Vol.4, No 1, 2006pp. 83 - 92
UDC 519.863:65.012.122

Branislav Stanković, Vukman Bakić
Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca
PO Box 522, 11001 Belgrade
E-mail: bakicv@vin.bg.ac.yu

Abstract. The coordinated use of computers throughout the entire spectrum of manufacturing and business operations has been growing during the 1990s and is expected to continue during the 21st century. With the continued increases in computing power and advances in telecommunications, the use of optimization has expanded as well, including planning and scheduling. General access to a common database and enterprise information are provided to managers, engineers and operators so that optimum decisions can be made and executed in a timely and efficient manner. One of the richest aspects of life is our ability to shape our own destiny through the choices that we make. We have to decide, over time, how best to allocate a scarce resource (our time) amongst a number of competing demands. The outcome of each decision that we take is uncertain and affects our situation and the options that will be available to us in the future. Consciously or otherwise, we try to make choices with the aim of achieving certain goals or in order to maximize some measure of "utility" or "pleasure". Similar resource allocation problems are found in a large number of industrial, financial and computing settings. Here the parameters tend to be easier to quantify, in terms of money or time for example. An optimal strategy for allocating the resource is then deemed to be one that maximizes or minimizes some measure of performance. It is problem of this nature that the study of scheduling seeks to address.
Key Words: Scheduling, Optimization, Model, Time, Batch Operations.

Koordinisana upotreba kompjutera kroz celokupni spektrum proizvodnih i poslovnih operacija rasla je tokom devedesetih godina i očekuje se da će se taj trend nastaviti tokom dvadeset prvog veka. Sa neprekidnim povećanjem mogućnosti kompjutera i dostignućima u oblasti telekomunikacija, upotreba optimizacije se širila, uključujući planiranje i određivanje vremenskog rasporeda. Opšti pristup zajedničkim bazama podataka i informacijama dostupan je menadžerima, inženjerima i operaterima, tako da se optimalne odluke mogu doneti i izvršiti na pravovremen i efikasan način. Jedan od najznačajnijih aspekata života je naša sposobnost da usmeravamo našu sudbinu kroz izbore koje pravimo. Mi moramo da odlučimo tokom vremena kako najbolje da raspodelimo oskudno sredstvo (naše vreme) između puno konkurentnih zahteva. Ishod svake odluke koju donesemo je neizvestan i utiče na naš položaj i mogućnosti koje će nam biti dostupne u budućnosti. Svesno ili drugačije, mi pokušavamo da izaberemo sa namerom postizanja izvesnih ciljeva ili da bismo maksimizirali neku meru "korisnog" ili "lepog". Slične probleme raspodele sredstava nalazimo u velikom broju u industrijskom, finansijskom i kompjuterskom okruženju. U ovim slučajevima parametri se lakše mogu predstaviti brojem, u vidu novca ili vremena na primer. Optimalnom strategijom raspodele sredstava smatra se ona koja maksimizira ili minimizira neku meru učinka. Problemom ove prirode bavi se proučavanje vremenskog rasporeda.
Ključne reči: vremenski raspored, optimizacija, matematički model, vreme, šaržne operacije