Vol.4, No 1, 2006pp. 35 - 44
UDC 62-523.2

Tom Stroehla1, Oliver Radler1, Ralf Volkert1, Veit Zöppig2
1TU Ilmenau, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Germany
2Steinbeis-Transfer-Zentrum Mechatronik Ilmenau, Germany

Abstract. Electromagnetic direct drives are charactized by a high energy density and  short cycle times but they show a strong non linear behavior especially because of saturation and magnetic hysteresis. Different applications use force and position control. To replace the force sensor by a software solution can reduce costs and influences. For this purpose a hysteresis compensation is required in order to preserve good accuracy. This paper discusses the Jiles-Atherton model as one way to model hysteresis effects and its inversion for the compensation of the hysteresis. The implementation on a 16-bit Digital Signal Controller is presented. The presented work was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF (project number TRI 03I2916B).
Key Words: Electromagnet, Hysteresis Compensation, Jiles-Atherton Model.

Direktni pogoni elektromagnetom se karakterišu velikom gustinom energije i kratkim vremenskim intervalom ciklusa, ali i pokazuju izrazito nelinearno ponašanje, naročito zbog zasićenja i magnetnog histerezisa. Za različite primene koriste se sila i upravljanje položajem. Zamena senzora sile primenom softvera može da smanji troškove i neželjena dejstva. Za ovu svrhu je neophodna histerezisna kompenzacija da bi se zadržala dobra tačnost. Ovaj rad razmatra model Jiles-Atherton-a kao jedan od načina za modeliranje efekata histerezisa i njegovu inverziju za kompenzaciju histerezisa. Prikazana je implementacija na 16-bitnom digitalnom signalnom kontroleru. Ovaj rad je urađen u okviru projekta Saveznog ministarstva za obrazovanje i istraživanje Republike Nemačke BMBF (broj projekta TRI 03I2916B).
Ključne reči: elektromagnet, histerezisna kompenzacija, model Jiles-Atherton-a