Vol.4, No 1, 2006pp. 1 - 16
UDC 532.13    532.551

Kurosh Sedighi, Mousa Farhadi
School of Mechanical Engineering, Mazandaran University, P.O.Box 484
Babol, Mazandaran, Iran
E-mail: mousafarhadi@myway.com

Abstract. A numerical investigation of turbulent flow over wall-mounted cube in a channel was studied by Large Eddy Simulation. The Selective Structure Function model was used to determinate eddy viscosity appears in the subgrid scale stress terms in momentum equation. Studies were carried out for the flows with Reynolds number ranging from 1000 to 40000. To evaluate the computation results, data was compared with measurement data at Re=40000, showing a reasonable agreement. In this study the effect of Reynolds numbers on flow characteristics such as time-averaged streamlines, instantaneous vorticity and turbulent intensity were investigated. Results of computations show that the flow with higher Reynolds number has a shorter reattachment length and by increasing the Reynolds number, the number of horseshoe vortex in upstream decreases. The negative vorticity near the solid surface is lifted-up by the positive vorticity in the shear layer and penetrates the positive vorticity region and causes the detachment of a part of the shear layer. When the flow pasted around the wall-mounted obstacle, the different pattern of the streamlines appears at the each sides of the cube which is changed by increasing the Reynolds number. With increasing the Reynolds number, turbulent intensity and Reynolds stresses increase at the center of the vortexes and sides of the cube respectively.
Key Words: Large Eddy Simulation; Selective Structure Function; Wall-mounted Cube, Reynolds Effects.

Numeričko istraživanje turbulentnog toka preko kocke montirane na zid u jednom kanalu izvučavala je Simulacija velikog vrtloga. Model selektivne funkcije strukture se koristi za ispitivanje viskoznosti vrtloga i on se javlja u članovima jednačine momenta u podrešetkastom naprezanju. Istraživanja su vršena za protoke sa Rejnoldsovim brojem od 1000 do 40000. Za procenu kompjuterskih podataka podaci su upoređivani sa podacima merenja pri Re=40000 i pokazali su dobro slaganje. U ovom istraživanju ispitivan je uticaj Rejnoldsovih brojeva na karakteristike toka kao što su vremenski uprosečene linije toka, trenutna vrtlogivost i intenzitet turbulencije. Rezultati izračunavanja pokazuju da Rejnoldsov broj ima kraću dužinu ponovnog pričvršćivanja dok povećanjem Rejnoldsovog broja opada broj vrtloga u obliku potkovice u gornjem toku. Negativna vrtlogivost pored čvrstog tela raste sa pozitivnom vrtlogljivošću u sloju smicanja i prodire u region pozitivne vrtlogljivosti izazivajući odvajanje jednog dela sloja smicanja. Kada se tok veže oko prepreke na zidu, javlja se drugačiji obrazac linija toka na svakoj strani kocke što se, pak, menja promenom Rejnoldsovog broja. Sa povećanjem Rejnoldsovog broja, intenzitet turbulencije i Rejnoldsov napon se povećavaju u centru vorteksa i na stranama kocke, respektivno.
Ključne reči: Simulacija velikih vrtloga, selektivna funkcija strukture, kocka montirana na zidu, Rejnoldsov efekat