Vol.2, No 1, 2004 pp. 135 - 140
UDC 536.73

Predrag Živković1, Mirjana Laković1, Predrag Rašković2
1Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, A. Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
2Faculty of Technology, Trg Oslobođenja 124, 16000 Leskovac, Serbia and Montenegro

Abstract. As a result of constant increase of energy consumption, the need for its rational usage also increases. For the purpose of energy savings, the methods of analysis, synthesis and optimization are becoming more important. The method of the Second Law of Thermodynamics is one of these methods. Its use gives good results in power and chemical plants optimization. In this way, it is also possible to obtain a significant increase of process efficiency. In this paper, the theoretical background of the Second Law analysis is given. The method is presented on the example of front end of the nitric acid production plant heat exchanger network system projecting. The use of this simple methodology is given in the form of 13 common sense guidelines, as well as a comparative analysis of the Second Law analysis and the Pinch design method.
Key Words: Second Law Analysis, Destroyed Exergy, Common Sense Guidelines.

Kao rezultat stalnog porasta utrošene energije, raste i potreba za njenim racionalnim korišćenjem. Radi uštede energije, metodi analize, sinteze i optimizacije postaju sve važniji. Metod Drugog Zakona termodinamike je jedan od ovih metoda. Dobijeni su dobri rezultati korišćenjem ovog metoda u optimizaciji energetskih i procesnih postrojenja. Na ovaj način je takođe moguće postići znatno povećanje efikasnosti procesa. U ovom radu su date teoretske osnove analiza Drugog Zakona. Metod je predstavljen na primeru projektovanja mreže razmenjivača toplote za prednji kraj postrojenja za proizvodnju azotne kiseline. Dato je korišćenje ove jednostavne metodologije u obliku 13 zdravorazumskih preporuka, kao i komparativna analiza Analiza Drugog Zakona i Pinč metode dizajniranja.
Ključne reči: Analize Drugog Zakona, uništena eksergija, zdravorazumske preporuke.