Vol.1, No 8, 2001 pp. 935 - 938
UDC 621.396.677.7:52-323

Sayapin Sergei Nicolaevich
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences
101830 Moscow, Russia,  Fax: (095) 135 61 46; E-mail: vibris@interface.ru

Abstract. The paper is concerned with the problem of providing required precision parameters of high-precision large deployable space antennas (HLDSA) small stiffness of antennas entails its high sensitivity to microdinamical factors arising in the orbital flight. To provide necessary precision of geometrical characteristics, one have either to diminish microdinamical factors or to implement active or passive vibration protection systems.
In this paper we concentrate on the second problem. Detailed analysis has shown that, in condition of orbital flight, the precision parameters of HLDSA mainly depend on low-frequency vibration with frequencies from 0,01 Hz to 10 Hz and with acceleration magnitude from 0,6 to 10-4 ? 10-6 g. This low frequency vibration is usually induced by external and internal perturbations. Since the passive vibroprotection is ineffective for low-frequency vibration, we decide to solwe the problem with help of active vibroprotection systems.
Comparative analysis of existing and perspective facilities of active vibration isolation with regards to HLDSA structural features has proved the effectiveness of active vibroisolation of "the kinematic type". In this systems an object is attached to the base with actuators controlling relative position and velosities of the object and of the base via the information from sensors.
External perturbations leading to reduction of the precision characteristics may also include structural thermo-deformation. As a result, the antenna's optical axle deviates from its theoretical position. This requires its periodic high-precision pointing (up to 1 second of arc) in the real-time mode.
We present the concepts of the active system of structural control that provides:
1)  vibration isolation of spacecraft from elastic oscillations of HLDSA, which were caused by its opening on orbit;
2)  suppression of oscillations of elastic structure of HLDSA, which were caused by its opening and external factors;
3)  vibroisolation of the structure from microdinamical effects caused by the functionning of the spacecraft systems;
4)  periodic high-precision angular pointing of the HLDSA optical axis.

Ovaj rad se bavi problemom obezbeđenja parametara preciznosti za visoko precizne rasklopive orbitalne antene (HLDSA). Mala krutost antene ukazuje na visoku osetljivost na mikrodinamičke uticaje u orbiti. U cilju obezbeđenja preciznosti geometrijskih karakteristika, potrebno je da se umanje mikrodinamički uticaji ili da se ugrade aktivni ili pasivni sistemi zaštite od vibracija. U ovom radu mi smo se usredsredili na drugo rešenje. Detaljne analize su pokazale da u uslovima orbitalnog leta parametri preciznosti za HLDSA uglavnom zavise od nisko-frekventnih vibracija od 0,01 Hz do 10 Hz sa ubrzanjem od 104 do 106 g. Ove niskofrekventne vibracije su obično izazvane eksternim i internim perturbacijama. Pošto je pasivna vibro-zaštita neefektivna za nisko-frekventne vibracije, mi smo se odlučili da problem rešimo pomoću sistema krute vibro-zaštite.