Vol.2, No 9, 1999 pp. 1013-1013

"STABILITY, CONTROL AND RIGID BODIES DYNAMICS" (September 7-9, 1999, Donetsk, Ukraine)
B.I. Konosevich
Secretary of  the Organizing Committee 
This Conference continues a tradition of International Conferences on problems of stability, control and analitical mechanics, which are regulary holding in Donetsk beginning from 1968. The given Conference was timed to the 75th year from birth of professor P.V. Kharlamow. Professor P. V. Kharlamow is the correspondent member of the Ukrainian National Academy of Scienses and the founder of the Donetsk school of analitical mechanics. The Conference was organized by the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of National Academy of Scienses of Ukraine together with Donetsk State University.
The Chaiman of the Organizing Committee was professor A.M. Kovalev and the Chairman of the International Scientific Committee was professor P.V. Kharlamow.
It was submitted 108 papers from 11 contries to the Corference. Actually it was listened 4 plenary lectures and 68 presentations in 3 sections.
There were presented such scientific centres of Ukraine as Kiev, Donetsk, Kharkov, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk. Among Russian cities Moscow and Taganrog had the most presentation. Also there were scientists from Bolivia, Iran, Mexico.
The following papers were listend and discussed at Plenary Sessions:
1. P.V. Kharlamov (Donetsk), Galiley as the founder of modern mechanics.
2. V.M. Matrosov and I.A. Finogenko (Moscow), Analitical dynamics of solid bodies systems with friction.
3. V.V. Beletsky (Moskow), Applied problems of dynamical billiards.
4. D.V. Lebedev and A.I. Tkachenko (Kiev), Magnetic system of stabilization and navigation of the microsputnik.
The main scientific topics of the section sessions were:
1. Dynamics of rigid body and rigid bodies systems.
2. Stability and Control in dynamical systems.
3. Methods of rigid body dynamics in the theory of elasticity and the adjacent problems.
The most number of communications was done in the 2nd section.
All participants showed a great interest to the Round Table Discussion "Dynamics of rigid body: past, present, future", which was held during the Conference. The 8th International Conference "Stability Control and Rigid Bodies Dynamics" is planning to be held in Donetsk in 3 years, in 2002.