Vol.3, No 13, 2003 pp. 771-772

On occasion of the Anniversary of Akisugu KAWAGUCHI's 100 years birth,
who is the Founder of Tensor Society August 5-9, 2002
Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan

The Tensor Society, Prof. Dr. Tomoaki Kawaguchi and Prof. Dr. Hiroaki Kawaguchi organized the International Conference on occasion of the Anniversary of Akitsugu Kawaguchi's 100 years birth.
Fameous Japanese geometers such as Prof. Dr. Makoto Matsumoto the dominant scientist leader of Japanese geometers who is working in Finsler spaces and its generalization, also Tadashi Aikou, Masayoshi Azuma, Hiroshi Endo, Shigeo Fueki, Masao Hashiguchi, Shigeru Igarashi, Fumio Ikeda, Satoshi Ikeda, Minoru Isu, Hideo Izumi, Toyoko Kashiwada, Kohji Kato, Akemi Kawaguchi, Misako Kawaguchi-Anzai, Nobuaki Kawaguci, Sachiko Kawaguchi-Murata, Masashi Kitayama, Koji Matsumoto, Manabu Miyata, Tetsuya Mizutani, Tetsuya Nagano, Katsumi Okubo, Toshio Sakaguchi, Yasutaka Sasahara, Hisashi Sato, Hideo Shimada, Masayuki Shio, Yoshihiko Tazawa, Masashi Yamada, Makoto Yawata, Mamoru Yoshida were invited.
The Hungarian school of Finsler geometry which was founded by O. Varga, Rapcsák, A. Moór and others was represented by Prof. Dr Lajos Tamásy the editor of Publications Debrecen and Laszló Kozma.
India was represented by the scholars of fameous M.C. Chaki: Rehana Quraishi, Sarbari Ray-Guha.
From Korea came Hong-Suh Park, Il-Yong Lee, Jun-Wan Son.
The very strong Romanian school of generalized Finsler geometry, as Lagrange and Hamilton spaces of higher order was represented by its leader Radu Miron, further Victor Blanuta, Mircea Craioveanu, Gh. Ivan, Adela Mihai, Ion Mihai, M. Puta, I. Romanescu, Vasile-Sorin Sabau.
From Saudi Arabia was present Falleh R. Al-Solamy and from USA Prof. Philip S. Morey, Jr.
Yugoslavia was represented by Irena Čomić and Katica Hedrih.
The Conference took place in the impressive Tsukuba International Congress Center. Tsukuba is a very modern town, only 25 years old, built as scientific center of Japan.
It can be concluded from the list of participants, that the lectures gave the newest results in the field of differential geometry and information science. It is surprising in how many fields of science the geometries of higher order have applications.
Since we have remembered Akitsugu Kawaguchi at this Conference, we have mentioned that in 1970 Prof. A. Kawaguchi visited a conference of Yugoslav Geometric Societey in Ohrid (former Yugoslavia), and later Novi Sad, where he gave a lecture.
Katica Hedrih and myself mentioned also in our lectures fameous scientests as D. Rašković, T. Andjelić, M. Prvanović, our teachers whose work together with Tensor Society had and still has a big influence on forming school of geometers in Serbia.
We hope that the succesful cooperation with Prof. Dr. Tomoaki Kawaguchi, Prof. Dr. Hiroaki Kawaguchi will be continued and expanded with other members of Tensor Society on the behalf of useful scientific results.
Irena Čomić
University of Novi Sad