Vol.2, No 10, 2000 pp. 1433-1444
UDC 534.01(045)
Review of
the international scientific conference:
July 5-7,2000,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš,
Beogradska 14, 18000 Niš, Yugoslavia
e-mail: katica@masfak.masfak.ni.ac.yu,
Second International Conference "Control of Oscillations and Chaos" - COC
2000, July 5-7,2000, Saint-Petersburg, Russia was held from 5 to 7 June
2000 at House of Scientists (dvorcovaya Naberehnaya 26, St. Petersburg,
phone 315-5959, e-mail: coc2000@ccs.ipme.ru). Organizers of the conference
were: Institute of Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Science,
State University of Saint Petersburg, Society of Information Systems and
Control of Saint Petersburg and Saint Petersburg Educational and Research
Center: Problems of machines and buildings, mechanics and process control.
The sponsors and cosponsors of the conference were: The Russian Academy
of Sciences (RAS), Russian Fundamental Research Fund, The IEEE Circuits
and System Society and The International Union of Theoretical and Applied
The president of the scientific committee was one of the worlds leading
scientists in the field of robotics, RAS academician Feliks Chernousko,
while the president of the organizing board was professor A. L. Fradkov
from the Saint Petersburg Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering
(61 Bolshoy ave V.O., 1999178, St. Peterburg Russia, http://www.ipme.ru/coc2000.html).
Scientific board was formed of thirty scientists from the whole world (Russia,
USA, Sweden, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Germany,
Ukraine, Japan and China) in the field of control and robotics.
Many visitors came to the conference and during the conference 7 plenary
and 9 semiplenary invited lectures were presented, as well as 116 short
scientific contributed lectures classified into 11 sessions; 51 contributed
lectures were presented at the poster presentations and total number of
authors and co-authors from 24 countries was around 360.
The following plenary and semi plenary invited lectures were presented:
I.I. Blekhman (Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering, RAS,
St. Petersburg, Russia) and K.A. Lurie (Worchester Polytechnic Inst. USA):
Creating Dynamical Materials as a Problem of Control (Oppening Plenary
F. L. Chernousko (Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow,
Snake-like Motions of Multibody Systems over a Rought Plane.
M. Dimentberg, D. Iourtchenko (Worchester Polytechnic Inst. USA) and
A. Bratus' (Moscow State University, Russia):
Optimal Bounded Control of Random Vibration and Hybrid Solutions to
dynamic Programming Equations
A.S. Dmitriev, A. I . Panas and S. O. Starkov (Institute of Radio
Engineering and Electronics, RAS, Moscow, Russia):
Multiple Access Communication Based on Control of Special Chaotic Trajectories.
R. J.P. de Figueiredo (University of California, Irwine, USA):
A reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) Approach to the Optimal Modeling,
Identification, and Design of Nonlinear Adaptive Systems (IEEE Distinguished
Lecture) – (Closing Plenary Lecture)
K.S. Hedrih (University of Nis, Yugoslavia):
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Gyrorotor, and Sensitive Dependence on the
Initial Conditions of the Forced Vibrations of a Heavy Gyrorotor.
E. Kreuzer, M. Wendt (Technical University Hamburg, Germany)
Nonlinear Dynamics of Ship Oscilations.
V. F. Lazutkin (St. Petersburg State University, Russia):
Exponentially Small Separatrix Spliting.
E. Mosekilde (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark):
Chaotic Synchronization in Living Systems.
P. C. Miller (Technical University of Wupertal, Germany):
Nonlinearity Estimation and Compensation by Linear Observers: Theory
and Applications.
F. Pfeiffer, Th. Rossmann, K. Loffler (Technical University of Muenchen,
Control of a Tube Crawling Machine.
W. Schiehlen (University of Stuttgart, Germany):
Motion Control of Vehicles in Convoy.
A. N. Sharkovsky, S. A. Berezovsky (Institute of Mathematics, Kiev,
Transitions of "Correct-Incorrect" Numerical Calculations for Solutions
of Some Problems "Phase Transitions" in Computer tubulence.
F. E. Udwadia (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA):
New developements in Dynamics of Constrained Systems with Applications
to Tracking Control.
N. Van Dao (Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam):
Delay Control in Nonlinear Oscillating Systems.
N. van de Wouw (Eindhoven University of technology, The Netherlands),
H. Nijmeijer (University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands) and D. H.
van Campen (Eindhoven University of technology, The Netherlands):
Statistical Bilinearization in Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamics.
O. M. Belotserkovsky, Yu. D. Shevelov (Institute for Computer Aided
Design, RAS, Moscow, Russia) F. A. Maksimov (Instrument Design Bureau,
Tula, Russia):
A Flow about Delta Wings at Various Reynold Numbers.
The first plenary lecture at the opening of the conference was presented
by academician I.I. Blekhmana (Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering,
RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia) and his co-author K.A. Lurie (Worchester Polytechnic
Inst. USA): Creating Dynamical Materials as a Problem of Control. This
lecture is an important contribution to knowledge and creation about dynamic
active materials. It was also one of the invited lectures at Yugoslav Congress
on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1997 in Vrnjačka Banja.
It should also be mentioned that a group of five leading scientists
in the field of mechanics, robotics and control from Germany presented
invited lectures. They are: F. Pfeiffer (Technical University of Munich,
Germany), W. Schiehlen (University of Stuttgart, Germany), E. Kreuzer (Technical
University Hamburg, Germany) and P. C. Miller (Technical University of
Wupertal, Germany). They presented top realizations of scientific results
in the field of control through review of concrete models and prototypes.
As at ENOC 1999 in Kopenhagen, professor F. Pfeiffer showed a certain interest
for conditions under which the research work in Yugoslavia is undertaken.
The plenary lecture of E. Mosekilde (Technical University of Denmark,
Lyngby, Denmark): Chaotic Synchronization in Living Systems was also interesting,
who, regrettably did not print his paper in these proceedings. Professor
E. Mosekilde, also, showed interest for cooperation with Yugoslav scientists.
Extremely interesting semi plenary lecture of 40 min duration was presented
by the president of the conference scientific board, academician L. Chernousko
(Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow, Russia). In his lecture
Snake-like Motions of Multibody Systems over a Rought Plane he presented
how motion of a being (snake on a rough surface) was used to design control
algorithms and numerical simulations for robot motion. At this point I
would remind readers that the academician F. L. Chernousko contributed
an invited plenary lecture at Yugoslav Congress of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics held in 1995 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš.
The plenary lecture presented by IEEE president, professor R. J.P.
de Figueiredo (University of California, Irwine, USA) should also be mentioned
as distinguished lecture at the closing of the conference. The title of
his contribution is A reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) Approach
to the Optimal Modelling, Identification, and Design of Nonlinear Adaptive
Among the authors of the contributed lectures there were authots who
presented a number of papers as coauthors, so there are multiple papers
of those authors in the proceedings.
One of these authors is prof. J. M. Baltezar (Departamento de Estatistica,
Matematica aplicada e Computacional, UNESP-Rio Claro, Brazil) from Brazil
who has 4 coauthored papers published in this proceedings. The idea about
the content of these papers can be obtained from the following titles:
Nonlinear Oscillations of a Porlat Frame Structure excited by a nonideal
motor (coauthors: Reyollando M.L., and Brasil R.F.), Bifurcational Phenomena
in a Nonideal System (coauthors: D. Belato, H. I. Weber and J. M. Rosario),
Nonlinear Stieltjes Equations and Proximity of Solutions (coauthors: L.
Barbanti and J.C. Prandini) and A Note of the Use of Melnikov's Chaos Prediction
Criterion: Results of a Friction-Driven Self-Excited Vibrating System (coauthors:
B.R. Pontes and V.A. Oliveira).
One of these authros is also F. L. Chernousko (Institute for Problems
in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow, Russia) with the paper named: Control Algorithm
for a Linear Dynamic system subjected to Complex Constraints; (the first
coauthor A. S. Smyshlyaev):,
The abstract of this paper is: A linear dynamical controlled system
is considered with complex constraints imposed on the control variable
and state coordinates. A control algorithm is constructed which satisfies
all constraints and drives the system to a prescribed terminal state in
a finite time. It is shown that this algorithm can be used for a feedbak
control of the system subjected to perturbations. The operation of this
algorithm is illustrated by an example of the control process of an electrically
driven system.
In the work of the conference from Yugoslavia participated:
* one professor in the field of mechanical engineering with semi plenary
invited contribution in the field of nonlinear dynamics: Nonlinear Dynamics
of a Gyrorotor, and Sensitive Dependence on the Initial Conditions of the
Forced Vibrations of a Heavy Gyrorotor
* one professor with coauthor in the field of electronic engineering
with poster presentation and one teaching assistant B. Veselić who had
oral presentation with coauthor; both contributions show the research results
in the field of sliding linear harmonic oscillators or their synchronization.
The participants were first delivered Preliminary Program and Call
for Participation, page 28, and at the registration desk following publications
were delivered: Final Program - Control of Oscillations and Chaos (COC
2000), page 40 and three books of Proceedings - 2000 2nd Second International
Conference, Control of Oscillations and Chaos COC 2000, July 5-7,2000,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia- Proceedings, Edited by F.L. Chernousko and A.
I. Fradkov, page 584.
Information on Second International Conference Control of Oscillations
and Chaos COC 2000, Saint-Petersburg, Russia can be found at web site http://www.ipmme.ru/coc2000.html.
The organizers invited participants who needed financial aid for participation
at the conference to submit application for aid, which would have been
considered by the IUTAM chairmanship during the conference.
Review of the Proceedings of The Second International Conference Control
of Oscillations and Chaos COC 2000, Eited by F. I. Chernousko and A.L.
Fradkov, July 5-7,2000, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, volume 1, XXIII, pp.
1-204; volume 2, XXII, pp. 205-293, volume 3, XXII, pp.394-593.
The three books - proceedings - named 2nd Second International Conference,
Control Oscillations and Chaos COC 2000, July 5-7,2000, Saint-Petersburg,
Russia- Proceedings, Edited by F.L. Chernousko and A. I. Fradkov.str. 583,
contain published plenary and semiplenary lectures and short presentations
presented at the international conference of the same name. In fact, between
5th and 7th July 2000 at the House of scientists (House of Scientists,
dvorcovaya Naberehnaya 26, St. Petersburg, phone 315-5959, e-mail: coc2000@ccs.ipme.ru)
in St.P the second international conference Second International Conference
"Control Oscillations and Chaos" - COC 2000, July 5-7,2000, Saint-Petersburg,
Russia, was held. The organizers of the conference were: The Mechanical
Engineering Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, The St.P State
University, St.P Society for Informatics and Control and St.P educational
and research centre The problems of maschines and buildings, mechanics
and process control. The sponsors and cosponsors of the conference were:
The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Fundamental Research Fund, The
IEEE Circuits and System Society and The International Union of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics.
The editors of this three-volume publication are the Chairman of the
conference scientific committee, one of the greatest scientists in the
area of robotics in the world, The RAS academician Felix Chernousko (Institute
for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Scineces, pr. Vernadskogo
101-1, Moscow 117526, Russia, e-mail: chern@impnet.ru) and the chairman
of the conference organizing committee prof. dr A. L. Fradkov, who is with
the Insitute Problems of Mechnaical Engineering from St. Petersburg. The
scientific committee consisted of thirty scinetists in the area of robotics
and control from all over the world (Russia, USA, Sweden, Holland, Italy,
Switzerland, Australia, Poland, Germany, Japan and China).
The publication contains published papers which correspond to the contents
of 7 plenary and 9 semiplenary organizer invited lectures, to the contents
of 116 short scientific contributed lectures in 11 sections, and to the
poster presentations of the 51st contributed lecture, from around 360 authors
and coauthors form more than 30 countries.
The three-volume proceedings contains published invited lectures from
the category of plenary and semiplenary lectures.
I.I. Blekhman (Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering, RAS,
St. Petersburg, Russia) and K.A. Lurie (Worchester Polytechnic Inst. USA):
Creating Dynamical Materials as a Problem of Control (Oppening Plenary
The abstract of this paper is: The idea of creating dynamical materials
is pointed out. Dynamical materials are created as the media whose material
parameters (density, elastic, disipative and electromagnetic characteristics)
change both in space and in time.When those changes take place in microscales
one can speaks of dynamics composites. The appearence of time as an additional
variable makes it possible to obtain the media with unusual properies and
very important in practice. Problem of control arising in this connection
are also described here.
F. L. Chernousko (Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow,
Snake-like Motions of Multibody Systems over a Rought Plane.
The abstract of this paper is: Motions of multibody systems over a
rough horizontal plane are investigated The multibody system is a linkage
consisting of the several rigid bodies connected by revolute joints with
vertical axes. The control torques are created by using actuators installed
at the joints. Dry friction forces between the linkage and the plane act
upon the system. It is shown that the multibody system can move in an arbitrary
direction: lengthwise, sideways, and rotate. Different modes of motion
of two-link, three-link, and multilinks systems are numerically and experimentaly
investigated and simulated.
The displacenets and speed of the motions are estimated, and optimal
parameters are obtained which maximize the average speed.
The obtained results are discussed with respect to motions of snakes
and other animals, as well as to possible applications to mobile robots.
M. Dimentberg, D. Iourtchenko (Worchester Polytechnic Inst. USA) and
A. Bratus' (Moscow State University, Russia):
Optimal Bounded Control of Random Vibration and Hybrid Solutions to
dynamic Programming Equations
The abstract of this paper is: A possible aproach to optimal bounded
control for randomly vibrating systems is based on Dynamic Programing and
the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellmann (or HJB) partial diferential equations. Exact
solutions are obtained for certain auter domains and used to obtain matching
baundary conditions for the (bounded in velocity) inner domains, wheree
the basic PDE is solved numerically.
A.S. Dmitriev, A. I. Panas and S. O. Starkov (Institute of Radio Engineering
and Electronics, RAS, Moscow, Russia):
Multiple Access Communication Based on Control of Special Chaotic Trajectories.
The abstract of this paper is: There is a number of ideas for haotic
signal application in multiple access systems, but as a rule, chaotic sygnals
are used there only as efficient and versatile means of quasi-noise signal
formulation. In such applications , important and attractive features,
such as multitude of chaotic modes, flexible control of their dynamics,
chaotic delf-synchronization phenomena, and potential communication confidence
due to the very dynamic properties of chaotic nonlinear systems, are neglected.
Here authors discuss another principle of multiple access, based on
the structure of chaotic attractor, using control of special chaotic trajectories
and also demonstrate the experimental verification of the proposed approach
for asynchronous packet date transmission.
R. J.P. de Figueiredo (University of California, Irwine, USA):
A reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) Approach to the Optimal Modeling,
Identification, and Design of Nonlinear Adaptive Systems (IEEE Distinguished
Lecture) – (Closing Plenary Lecture)
The abstract of this paper is: This paper-abstract addressed the following
question: "Can the Orthogonal Projection Theorem, with - based on the pioneering
cointributions of Kilmogorov, Wiener and Kalman - played such a prominet
role in the modelling, identification, and design of LINERA adaplive systems
in the 20th century, provide similar elegant solutions to the corresponding
NONLINEAR problems?". The answer is in the affirmative, and the proposed
solutions can be achieved via the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS)
of nonlinear analytic functionals(abstract Volterra functionals) introduced
in 1980 by de Figueiredo and Dwyer (IEEETans. on Circuits and Systems,
vol. CAS-27, no. 11, pp. 1005-1014, Nov. 1980).
It invariably and naturally appears in the form of an appropriate artificial
neural network or a fuzzy logic network, depending on whether the uncertainty
is modeled probabilistically or based on approximation theory in the sense
of Kolmagorov, Vitushkin and Zadeh. The underlying structure-depending
process can be interpreted not only as ADAPTIVE but also EVOLUTIONARY.
The abstract was conclude with examples from applications to diagnosis
of brain function and lesion, and detection, classification, and interpretation
of events present in signals, images, and other data types.
K.S. Hedrih (University of Nis, Yugoslavia):
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Gyrorotor, and Sensitive Dependence on the
Initial Conditions of the Forced Vibrations of a Heavy Gyrorotor.
The abstract of this paper is: Sensitive dependence on initial conditions
of the forced vibration/rotation motion of a heavy gyro-rotor around the
two axes in the field with damping is studied in the light of some new
knowledge in area of nonlinear mechanics, theory of chaos and dynamical
In this paper, by using, in the previous author's papers derived vectorial
equations of the forced motion/rotation/oscillation of a heavy gyro-rotor
around two axes in the field with damping, the nonlinear dynamics of the
gyro-rotor is analysed in the light of the sensitive dependence on initial
conditions of the forced vibrations. Using new knowledge in nonlinear mechanics,
theory of chaos and dynamical systems published in References the sensitive
dependence of the initial conditions and of the forced motion - oscillation/
rotation/stochasticlike-chaoticlike motion of the heavy gyro-rotor in the
"vicinity" of the homoclinic point and orbit are analysed. Author followed
the ideas of Holmes Ph. on the example pendulum excited by one frequency
force, and why showed us that Poincaré maps contain the Smale horseshoe
map as well as global analysis processes of the dynamical systems which
posses homoclinic orbit for applying for study of the gyrorotor dynamic.
By using ideas of Holmes Ph. it is easy to prove that forced dynamic of
the heavy gyrorotor have in the vicinity of homoclinic point sensitive
dependence of initial conditions.
In this article the author introduces the ideas and notation from the
global theory of dynamical systems following ideas of Holmes Ph., as a
Poincare map, Smale's horseshoe map. This article presents such a study
of an engineering system with sensitive dependence on initial condition.
The kinetic parameters of gyro-rotor are studied.
E. Kreuzer, M. Wendt (Technical University Hamburg, Germany)
Nonlinear Dynamics of Ship Oscilations.
The abstract of this paper is: the authors analyze the stability of
ship motions using a hydrodynamic model accounting for all the rigid body
motions of a ship, as well as memory of effects in the fluid. The analysis
of a particular ship shows that ship's dynamics depends strongly on the
nonlinearities of the ship-fluid-system. Before the ship capsizes, a bifurcationwhen
wave heights increase is indicated.
V. F. Lazutkin (St. Petersburg State University, Russia):
Exponentially Small Separatrix Spliting.
The abstract of this paper is: The author describes the main mathematical
difficulties and the ways of their overcoming. The reader can find a more
detailed exposition of the material of the generalizations in a survey
by V.G. Gelfreich and the author which is in preparation.
E. Mosekilde (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark):
Chaotic Synchronization in Living Systems.
The abstract of this paper is: By using mathematical model, the chaotic
synchronization in living systems is studied.
P. C. Miller (Technical University of Wupertal, Germany):
Nonlinearity Estimation and Compensation by Linear Observers: Theory
and Applications.
The abstract of this paper is: Based on a fictitious model of the time
behaviour of the nonlinearities a linear state observer of an extended
dynamical system is designed resulting in estimates of the nonlinear effects.
In case of control design the disturbance rejection control method is applied
to counteract the nonlinearities by the estimated signals. Some sufficient
criteria for the asymptotic stability of the estimation error are given.
Some applications are presented in the fields of high accurate position
control of robots and of fault detection of cracks in turborotors.
F. Pfeiffer, Th. Rossmann, K. Loffler (Technical University of Muenchen,
Control of a Tube Crawling Machine.
The abstract of this paper is: In this papaer, the project of an eight
legged pipe crawling robot is presented. First the mechanical design is
described with practical emphasis on the sensors and actuators of robot,
which provide the input to the nonlinear controller is organized hierarchically.
According to the mechanical structure of the eight legged pipe crawling
robot, the control task is distributed to a control level, controlling
the overall system behaviour and a decentral level, corresponding to the
individual legs. The control system covers coordinative tasks, concerning
the sequence of phases in the gait pattern and operative tasks, concerning
the control of the forces during each phase of the gait.
W. Schiehlen (University of Stuttgart, Germany):
Motion Control of Vehicles in Convoy.
Abstract of this paper is: For the dynamical analysis of highway automation
requires inteligent vehicle controls in lateral and longitudinal direction
a convoy of two paassenger cars is used. The paper-abstract presents the
modeling of both vehicles using the method of multibody systems.
On the basis these models different control concepts are introduced
for the lateral control including PID control, state feedback and H? control.
For the longitudinal control, a nonlinear controller with exact state linearization
is presented, using the flatness of the vehicle system.
A. N. Sharkovsky, S. A. Berezovsky (Institute of Mathematics, Kiev,
Transitions of "Correct-Incorrect" Numerical Calculations for Solutions
of Some Problems "Phase Transitions" in Computer tubulence.
The abstract of this paper is: Many effects that generally characterise
the phenomenon of tubulence, in particular, the emergence of structures
(including the cascade process of birth of coherent structures of dewacrising
scales) and self-stochasticity observed in "simple " examples of dynamical
systems which and generated by one - and two dimensional boundary value
problems (BVP) consisting of linear partial differential equation and nonlinear
boundary conditions are study by mathematical models and by dynamic of
numerical processes. Results obtained by numerical investigations of these
models are dicussed and one of the conclusions is that these models are
probably more close (in some sense) to the reality than exact solutions
not in spite but owing to "incorect" calculations.
F. E. Udwadia (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA):
New developements in Dynamics of Constrained Systems with Applications
to Tracking Control.
The abstract of this paper is: This paper contains some results
in area of the development of the explicit equations of motion for nonlinear
mechanical and structural systems, which are holonomically and/or nonholonomically
constrained. Based on these new results from analytical dynamics, a develop
a class of tracking controllers for controling general, nonlinear, mechanical
systems is presented.
N. Van Dao (Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam):
Delay Control in Nonlinear Oscillating Systems.
The abstract of this paper is: Oscillations and stability of nonlinear
oscillators with time delay aare studied by means of the asymptotic method
of nonlinear mechanics. Harmonic, superharmonic, subharmonic and parametric
resonances of a Duffing's oscillator are analyzed. The analytical method
and numerical method with a computer are used.
N. van de Wouw (Eindhoven University of technology, The Netherlands),
H. Nijmeijer (University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands) and D. H.
van Campen (Eindhoven University of technology, The Netherlands):
Statistical Bilinearization in Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamics.
The abstract of this paper is: A response approximation method for
stochastically excited, nonlinear, dynamic systems is presented. The output
of the nonlinear system is approximated by a finite-order Volterra series.
The original nonlinear system is replaced by a bilinear system in order
to determine the kernels of this Volterraseries. Application to a piece-wise
linear system illustrates the effectivnes of this approach in approximating
truly nonlinear stochastic response phenomena in both the statistical moments
and the power spectral density of the response of this system in case of
a white moise excitation.
O. M. Belotserkovsky, Yu. D. Shevelov (Institute for Computer Aided
Design, RAS, Moscow, Russia) F. A. Maksimov (Instrument Design Bureau,
Tula, Russia):
A Flow about Delta Wings at Various Reynold Numbers.
The abstract of this paper is: The decisions of the Navier-Stocks equations
in approximation of a thin layer describing a flow of the delta wing with
sharp edges are received at various Reynolds numbers Re. The flow is characterised
by the large variety of possible pictures of flow on upper surface.
On 22 pages at the beginning of every volume a review of the conference
program is given with the sections marked. The names of those sections
Control Oscillations,
Control of Chaos,
Control of Mechanical Systems,
Mathematics of Stability and Instability,
Identification and Reconstruction of Parameters,
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Physical Systems,
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Mechanical Systems,
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Electronics, Communications and Power
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Biomedical, Ecological and Neural Systems,
Methods of System Analysis.
The evaluation of the conference:
If I would have to evaluate the program of this international scientific
conference, then, if I would compare it with the others I participated
in so far, and which were in the area of theoretical and applied mechanics,
nonlinear mechanics and nonlinear oscillations, I would have to say that
this one differs in topics and in the way the papers were presented, because
of its interdisciplinary character and because it contains lectures ranging
from purely theoretical, mathematical accomplishments, and accomplishments
in the areas of fundamental scientific areas of engineering such as: mechanics,
fluid mechanics, electronics, biomechanics, various computer methods, to
those which presented only the realizations of the well-known scientific
ideas, through engineering contributions, but finalized to models, patented
and which can be produced. Of course the professional results are with
the leading and united areas, which deserve respect and which put their
authors to the top of the scientific creativity.
As I concluded in the presentations of scientific conferences in the
past decade, I can repeat here, the scientists from western countries show
final results of research in the form of patented models, but with little
explanations on fundamental results, in the form " I show that I projected
and constructed a model which works", while the scientists from the Eastern
and former and present socialist countries like Russia, Ukraine, China
present theoretical, analytical results of the highest level that can be
imagined at this moment by the modern civilization of the human mind. But
ideas and knowledge can not be protected by a patent nor can they yield
profit. Profit is made by those who materialize the ideas in the form of
products for the real market.
Benefits of participating in the scientific conference:
If I would ask a question: What is the benefit of participating in
this scientific conference?
The answer could develop in two directions.
1. One of the answers is personal and it results in participant's advanced
training through getting new knowledge in the fields of nonlinear dynamics,
oscillation and chaos control, knowledge about new control prototypes of
mechanical, building constructions, electro energetic and economic systems
and inspiration for new research and meeting colleagues who perform research
in the same fields. Then, confirmation of attitudes which I presented several
times at the Faculty and University in the form of written suggestions
to the Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic Serbia about real
need to form the center for nonlinear dynamics in order to integrate scientific
knowledge based on mathematics phenomenology and concentrate equipment
for scientific research or at least make a list of equipment and in order
to form a critical mass of scientists for experimental realization of the
ideas through the laboratory for experimental investigation of nonlinear
process dynamics in disparate dynamic systems, as well as through the workshops
for prototypes. Gathering of critical mass of scientists would provide
a POSITIVE competition and scientific and professional criticism with the
aim of pushing the results of scientific research to higher levels with
optimization and rationalization of their financing at the same time.
2. Presentation of some parts of scientific results of investigating
nonlinear dynamic processes and their control, which were achieved through
working on projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The results
would be presented to the scientific competent audience from all around
the world. Another contribution would be affirmation of scientific results
of Yugoslav and Serbian scientists and sending a message to the world that
despite blockades we manage to maintain scientific knowledge and be scientifically
competent and keep up with the scientists who do the research under much,
much better financial and information conditions.
Suggestions for possible improvement of scientific research:
1. Considering the results of our scientists achieved in the field
of subject conference presented at scientific meetings in Yugoslavia and
reported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (according to my knowledge),
I can say that in the field of theoretical mechanics and nonlinear dynamics
the results achieved by some researchers are not behind those achieved
in the world. This should be specially emphasized, because the results
are achieved under conditions of lack of latest scientific journals and
world production monographs in our libraries, so the scientists are trying
to manage using personal contacts and professional attention of their foreign
2. However, in the field of electronics, as I know, only a few scientists
are involved in research of nonlinear dynamics; they are, primarly, linear
models. However, in the world the first results about nonlinear phenomena
usually come from this field of science. I think that in this field young
people should be encouraged, provided leading mentors from the country
and abroad (inviting them to be guests in our country) and be directed
wards to the investigation of nonlinear dynamics. In this field it would
be easier to provide conditions for experimental research. Maybe that is
the reason why a great number of young and talented researches in those
fields found their research interests in foreign research institutions.
Perhaps this measure could be realized through a part of the research program
at strategic project "Internet in Serbia" and young people brought back
to Yugoslavia.
3. Founding Yugoslav center for nonlinear dynamics with three divisions:
A. division for mathematical phenomenology of nonlinear dynamics, B. laboratory
division for experimental research of nonlinear dynamics and C. division
for models with basic workshops in military industry and big state companies
of machinery building and electro industry. Such center would gather all
competent researchers in the field of nonlinear dynamics from different
disparate fields in engineering, medicine, bio?agricultural science, economics
social sciences, which meet the models of nonlinear dynamic processes and
phenomena. This center would also create conditions for more rational financing
of scientific researches and integration of scientific knowledge from disparate
fields of science. Such center would also enable to create a basic new
university textbooks and monographs of new concepts and new minimal optimal
essence of fundamental sciences which students of the universities should
learn and know as future professionals on which the country should count
when opening perspective of survival and planned standard of life and work
of people in harmony with nature in this region. Such center could perform
researches on strategic project "Internet in Serbia".
4. Acquisition of fundamental science monographs from different disparate
scientific fields, as well as scientific journals in the fields of nonlinear
dynamics and chaos published in the last decade, ever since different blockades
were imposed on Yugoslavia; that material should be placed in one of national
libraries or in the library at the center for nonlinear mechanics in order
to be available to all interested researchers.
5. If this is not done fast I fear that people who understand those
phenomena and can transmit their knowledge to young generations will disappear
from this region, as well as "literacy" in these fields. And that "literacy"
to read latest scientific achievements is very important for future scientific
6. For that reason providing conditions for work of one permanent "international
seminar-type school of science" in the field of nonlinear dynamics and
control is also necessary, with pretension to form, besides Center for
nonlinear dynamics, International Study Research Congress and Communication
Center for gathering scientists from the whole world and from different
disparate fields of theory and applications.
I am aware that we can not develop and finance all fields of science,
but we can form a center for international communications through scientific
school for seminars and through international meetings, which would provide
latest original scientific knowledge from the whole world at first with
minimal investment and later even for free, because the center would finance
itself from the participants' fees from the whole world if it acquired
reputation of prestige and useful meeting. It would provide meeting at
our regions of information courses from the latest scientific achievements.
And our region also has geographic advantage for realization of such an
Possible practical solutions for basic knowledge in nonlinear dynamics
and control or nonlinear dynamics systems:
Creating technology and products based on nonlinear dynamics, processes
and phenomena and their control on the basis of fast and slow oscillations
and separation and joining of certain dynamics. Design of active constructions
and active dynamic materials under control. Designing new kinds of dynamic
active materials, which should be of interest for military industry. That
is the reason why technology projects should be supported, through which
elaborate schemes and technological documentation and models for application
and production would be created. Constructions for oscillation control,
which could be finalized as product series of vibration machines for mining,
civil engineering, process technology in food production and agriculture.
With permission of the organizers our scientific University Journal
Facta Universitatis, with its 13 series of the last year University production,
was presented at a special desk as a part of the exhibition of latest monograph
issues of leading Russian and world publishers. Publications of the University
of Niš and Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Science and
Art: University of Niš at the Threshold of New Millennium, Niš 2000, Mathematical
Institute SANU , Belgrade 1998 and Rheonomic Dynamics and The Topics from
Mathematics and Mechanics, Belgrade 1999 were presented there and afterwards
left to the organizers' University Library as a present from Yugoslav scientists.