Prof. Dr Ljubomir Hadži Pešić was born on June 1, 1934 in Niš (Yugoslavia)
where he finished the primary and high schools (1952). He enrolled into
the Medical Faculty of Belgrade and graduated with average mark 9.60 (1959).
Prof. Dr Ljubomir Hadži Pešić started his profes-sional career as a
general practitioner at outpatient ambulance, Rasadnik, Niš (1961,1962).
He started his residency in internal medicine at General Hospital in Niš
and finished at Internal B Clinic in Belgrade (1968). After finished specialization
in internal medicine he enrolled into the postdoctoral studies in cardiology
at Medical Faculty in Belgrade and obtained title M.sci. in cardiology
(1972). In 1977 he defended his Ph. disser-tation: Systolic time intervals
in patients after myocar-dial infarction during posthospital rehabilitation.
Since 1970 he is employed at Institute for Prevention, Treat-ment and Rehabilitation
of Rheumatic and Cardiovas-cular Patients at Niška Banja as department
Prof. Dr Ljubomir Hadži Pešić had training in many foreign countries.
As a medical student he spent one month at department of medicine at Bodo
general hos-pital in Norway. In academic year 1965/66 he got Fulbright's
grant and spent one year at Downstate Medical Center, Kings County Hospital
in Brooklyn, USA. In 1976 and 1982 he spent 5 months at Rehabilitationszentrum,
Bad Krozingen, (West Ger-many). In 1983 he had training at Brompton and
St. George hospitals in London.
On 1968 he was chosen as Assistant in Internal Medicine at the Medical
Faculty of Niš. He was elected Associate Professor in Internal Medicine
(1973) and full Professor of Internal Medicine (1984). Since 1973 he is
chief of postdoctoral studies in Cardiology and since 1991 chief of Internal
Medicine at Medical Faculty of Niš. Now he celebrites 33 years of teaching
at the University School of Medicine in Niš.
Professor Hadži Pešić was in charge of many scientific studies and
projects of Republic and Federal importance. He is the author or co-author
of over 400 papers published in scientific medical journals, many of which
were reported at World and European conferences in the field of Internal
Medicine and Cardiology. He is main editor and co-author of textbooks:
Internal Medicine (1994,1996), Internal Propedeutics (1991, 1993, and 1996)
and Physical Activity and Rehabilitation of Cardiac Patients (1992).
Prof. Hadži Pešić is member of Presidency of Serbian Medical Association,
Serbian and Yugoslav Cardiological Association. He is full member of Medical
Academy of Serbian Medical Association. He is, also, Fellow of European
Society of Cardiology.
For his professional work he got many awards. The most prominent are
Annual Awards of the City of Niš (for 1979 and 1994) and Award of Serbian
Medical Association, Great Seal Award (Award established for the first
time devoted to the 125-th Year Anniversary of Serbian Medical Association
Prof. Dr Ljubomir Hadži Pešić is one of the most respected and influential
physicians, acquired by meticulous and indefatigable work. In part, the
secret lies in his simple and unconscious unselfishness. Above all, it
will be his character. Prof. Lj. Hadži Pešić was constantly the inspiring
teacher to everyone, masterful in his own expert clinical analysis of case
data. All who worked with him learned to respect his interest in physiology,
with an emphasis on diseases of the circulation. No telling symptom lacked
physiologic explanation. He is incredible in his ability to dissect the
functional from the organic, analyzing and communicating theirs significance
to the patient.
He has a fantastic power of communication to the patient. The impressive
is the use he makes of his knowledge in giving his statement on the patient's
illness, condition and prognosis – be it to the patient himself, to his
family or to the public. To convey to the patient the meaning of the disease
and the way of dealing with it is the essence of the physician's art. The
masterly solution of a complex situation into simple but nonetheless precise
words, and the firmness of his opinion, with due consideration of human
feelings – all these qualities carry an absolute authority.
As a superb teacher he discusses thing with the postgraduates as though
they are "polished" cardiologists. His capacity to be interested in a great
variety of experiences is one of the secrets of his medical life. He always
gave me the impression of a man whose eyes and spirit were projected toward
the future. His clear and quick thinking and his facility for expression
and writing, has producted 400 papers and several books.
It is doubtful that he has any enemies though he refutes the cliché
that "the man who has no enemies has some friends he should be ashamed
"He's one of a kind".
Prof. Dr Ivan Lambić
Professor Emeritus of Cardiology
Medical Faculty Belgrade
1. Strahinjić S. Hadži Pešić Lj. Hronični nefritis i endemska
nefropatija / Chronic nephritis and endemic nephropathy /. Kongres internista
Jugoslavije, Sarajevo 1964; 217.
2. Hadži Pešić Lj. Naša iskustva sa Hygrotonom. / Our
experiences with Hygroton / Acta medica Medianae 1967; 5: 44- 7.
3. Hadži Pešić Lj. Metode u rehabilitaciji koronarnih
bolesnika / Methods in rehabilitation of coronary artery disease patients
/ Koronarna bolest, Niška Banja, 1970; 67-73.
4. Hadži Pešić Lj, Djordjević B. Srce u reumatoidnom
artritisu / Heart in rheumatoid arthritis / Reumatoidni artritis, Niška
Banja 1970; 137- 42.
5. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlović D. Bubrežne promene u reuma-toidnom
artritisu / Kidney disorders in rheumatoid arthritis / Rheumatoidni artritis,
Niška Banja 1970; 157-62.
6. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlović D. Aldomet u lečenju arterijske
hipertenzije / Aldomet in the treatment of arterial hypertension/, Arterijska
hipertenzija, Niška Banja 1971; 267-69.
7. Hadži Pešić Lj, IV ton u arterijskoj hipertenziji
/ IV heart sound in arterial hypertension / Arterijska hipertenzija, Niška
Banja, 1971; 187-89.
8. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlovic D, Vukušić Z. Praćenje
fonokar-diograma u bolesnika sa arterijskom hipertenzijom u toku leče-nja,
/ Phonocardiogram in patients with arterial hypertension during treatment
/ Acta medica Medianae 1972; 3: 20-24.
9. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlović D. Percluson u lečenju
reumatskih bolesti / Percluson in the treatment of reumatic diseases /
Saop-ćenja, Zagreb, 1972; 3: 117-119.
10. Hadži Pešić Lj. Savremena antiaritmička sredstva
i poremećaji u stvaranju nadražaja / Current antiarrhytmic therapy and
disorders of impulse formation / Poremećaj srčanog ritma, Niška Banja 1972;
11. Mihajlović D, Hadži Pešić Lj, Đorđević B, Lambić
I. Rehabili-ta-cija kardiovaskularnih bolesnika sa posebnim osvrtom na
rehabilitaciju bolesnika koji su preležali infarkt miokarda / Rehabilitation
of cardiovascular patients with emphasis on rehabilitation of patients
after mycardial infarction / Srpski arhiv 1974; 12, 855-66.
12. Hadži Pešić Lj. Abnormalni metabolizam ugljenih hidrata
u uremiji – uremični pseudodijabetes / Abnormal carbohydrate metabolizm
in uremic patients – uremic pseudodiabetes / Interna B Klinika, Beograd
1973; 91-95.
13. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlović D. Rehabilitacija bolesnika
sa valvularnim reumatičkim manama / Rehabilitation of patients with valvular
rheumatic diseases / Acta Rheumatologica Belgradensia, 1974; 1, 139-43.
14. Hadži Pešić Lj, Marković V, Lović B. Dijagnostička
i prognos-tička vrednost testova opterećenja / Diagnostic and prognostic
value of stress testing / Fizička aktivnost u kardiologiji, Niška Banja
1975; 237-46.
15. Hadži Pešić Lj, Koković D, Marković V. Sindrom bolnog
ramena u bolesnika koji su preležali infarkt miokarda / Shoulder hand syndrom
in patients after myocardial infarction / Vanzglobni reuma-tizam, Niška
Banja 1976; 237-42.
16. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlović D, Marković V. Disfunkcija
papilar-nog mišića u koronarnoj bolesti / Papillary muscule dysfunction
in coronary artery disease / Acta medica Medianae 1976; 15, 13-23.
17. Hadži Pešić Lj, Janković N, Mihajlović D. Uloga inderala
u rehabilitaciji bolesnika s preležanim infarktom miokarda / Inderal in
rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction / Inderal u hipertenziji,
Interna B Klinika, Beograd 1976; 70-3.
18. Hadži Pešić Lj. Vodena diureza u prevenciji pijelonefritisa,
/ Water diuresis in the prevention of pyelonephritis / Balneoclimatologia
1977; 4, 157-59.
19. Hadži Pešić Lj, Lović B, Marković V, Mitić V. Apeks
kardi-ogram pre i posle fizičkog zamaranja u koronarnoj bolesti / Apexcardiogram
before and after physical training in coronary artery disease patients
/ Neinvazivne metode u kardiovas-kular-nim bolestima, Niška Banja, 1977;
20. Hadži Pešić Lj, Lović B, Stanković A. Sistolni vremenski
intervali u bolesnika sa diabetes mellius-om bez manifestnih kardiovas-ku-lar-nih
promena / Systolic time intervals in patients with diabetes mellitus without
overt cardiovascular diseases /Udruženje kardiologa Jugoslavije, Ljubljana
1977; 248.
21. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlović D, Marković V, Lović B.
Cardiac arrhythmias in patients with myocardial infarction, I international
congress on cardiac rehabilitation, Europian assosiation of Cardiology,
Hamburg 1977; 88-9.
22. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlović D. Syistolic time intervals
in patients with myocardial infarction during rehabilitation period . VIII
World congress of cardiology, Tokyo, 1978; 427.
23. Hadži Pešić Lj, Marković V, Lović B, Mitić V. Systolic
time intervals in patients with myocardial infarction during stress test
Symposium exercise in cardiology, European assosation of cardiology, Bratislava
1978; 32.
24. Hadži Pešić Lj, Marković V, Lović B, Mitić V. The
influence of arterial hypertension on rehabilitation process in patients
with myocardial infarction. International symposium on essential hypertension,
Europian assosiation of cardiology, Herceg Novi 1978; 52.
25. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlović D. Hemodinamske promene
u toku balneoterapije / Hemodynamic changes during balneotherapy / Balneoclimatologija,
1978; 1, 15 – 22.
26. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlović D. Rehabilitation of patients
with myocardial infraction at Niška banja. III Congress of international
rehabilitation, Basel 1978; 88-9.
27. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlović D, Marković V, Lović B.
Systolic and dyastolic time intervals in patients with coronary artery
disease. Europian congress of non-invasisve cardiovascular dynamics, Athens
1980; 78.
28. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlović D. Rehabilitation of patients
after aortocoronary by pass surgery. VIII World congress of the rehabilitation
medicine Stockholm 1980; 389.
29. Hadži Pešić Lj, Mihajlvić D, Ilić S, Marković V,
Lović B. Cardiac arrhythmias during stress testing. II World congress on
cardiac rehabilitation, Jerusalem, 1981; 67.
30. Hadži Pešić Lj, Ćirović Z, Koronarni spazam / Coronary
vasospasm / Koronarna bolest, Niška Banja 1981; 45-50.
31. Hadži Pešić Lj, Marković V, Lović B, Nikolić A. Infarkt
miokarda u osoba mlađih od 35 godina / Myocardial infarction in patients
younger than 35 years / Koronarna bolest, Niška Banja, 1981; 395.
32. Hadži Pešić Lj, Marković V, Ilić S. Noninvasive assesment
of rehabilitation in patients after myocardial infarction IX World congress
of cardiology, Moscow, 1982; 19 37
33. Hadži Pešić Lj, Ilic S, Marković V, Mihajlović D.
Effects of four years physical training in patients after myocardial infarction.
X World Congress of cardiology, Washington, 1986; 2703.
34. Hadži Pešić Lj, Ilic S, Marković V, Mihajlović D.
Effects of six years of phyisical training in rehabilitation of patients
with myocardial infarction. European heart journal 1988; 1, 2001.
35. Hadži Pešić Lj. Faktori rizika u nelečenoj i lečenoj
arterijskoj hipertenziji / Risc factors in untreated and treated arterial
hypertension / Srpski arhiv 1985; 5, 31 – 36.
36. Hadži Pešić Lj, Čustović F, Goldner V, Josipović V. Long term treatment
with molsidomine in patients with coronary heart disease/ In the book:
Ischemic heart disease and heart failure / ed. R. J. Bing and M.Stuck /
Urban and Schwarzenberg, Munich Vienna Baltimore, 1988; 148-156.
37. Hadži Pešić Lj. Prevencija iznenadne smrti u ishemijskoj bolesti srca
/ Prevention of sudden death in ischemic heart disease./ Lečenje i sekundarna
prevencija infarkta miokarda, Niška banja 1989; 251-5.
38. Hadži Pešić Lj, Ilic S, Marković V. Prolonged physical
training in patients after myocardial infarction, Kardiologija 1990; 11,
4, 270-280.
39. Hadži Pešić Lj. Hipertrofija miokarda leve komore
u arterijskoj hipertenziji i progresija u srčanu insuficijenciju / Left
ventricular hypertrophy in arterial hypertension and progression to heart
failure/ Balneoclimatologija, 1997; Sup., 1, 43-50.
40. Hadži Pešić Lj, Savić T, Marković V, Lović B. Uticaj
fizičke aktivnosti na lipide plazme u bolesnika sa koronarnom bolešću srca
/ The influence of physical training on blood lipids in patients with coronary
artery disease, / Balneoclimatologija 1998; 1, 3, 7-10.