Vol.5, No 1, 1998 pp. 61 - 63
UDC: 616.72
Ljiljana Jovanović1, Branislava Mirković1, Branimir Živković2
1Clinic of Dentistry, Medical Faculty, University of Niš, Yugoslavia
2Institute of Physics, Medical Faculty, University of Niš, Yugoslavia

Summary. In the last three decades, the laser has had a particular significance in dentistry. The soft laser is used in the therapy of aphtae, viral infections, all painful conditions in the oral cavity etc., because of its own positive effects on pain, better epitelization and shorter duration of the disease. The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of the soft laser on Herpes Simplex Labialis. Five patients with Herpes Simplex Labialis were treated at the Department for oral and Parodontal Diseases of the Dental Clinic of the Medical faculty of Niš. The patients were treated by HeNe soft laser at five seances, with duration of laser radiation of five minutes for one treatment. All the patients were first treated on the second day after the Herpes appearance. The intensity of pain was reduced even after the first treatment, and the crusts were formed after the second treatment. Finally, almost all the. symptoms and signs of the disease disappeared after the fifth treatment. Laser can be recommended in Herpes Simplex Labialis therapy, for its evident analgetic effects, as well as for shorter disease duration.
Key words: Soft laser, herpes simplex labialis


U poslednje vreme laseru se pridaje poseban značaj u stomatologiji. Laser se koristi u terapiji afti, virusnih infekcija, svih bolnih stanja u usnoj duplji, zbog svog pozitivnog efekta na bol, bolju epitelizaciju i kraće vreme trajanja bolesti. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi terapijski efekat lasera kod Herpes Simplex Labialisa. Obradjeno je pet pacijenata sa Herpes Simplex Lobialisom na Odeljenju za bolesti usta i parodonta Stomatološke klinike Medicinskog fakulteta u Nišu. Pacijenti su tretirani soft HeNe laserom u pet seansi sa trajanjem laserske emisije od pet minuta. Svi pacijenti su tretirani od drugog dana pojavljivanja bolesti. Već posle prve seanse laserom došlo je do smanjenja intenziteta bola, a posle druge seanse do stvaranja krusta. Konačno, posle pete seanse došlo je do nestanka skoro svih simptoma i znakova bolesti. S obzirom na dobijene rezultate možemo preporučiti soft laser u terapiji Herpes Simplex Labilisa, jer sigurno dolazi do analgetičkog efekta i skraćenja vremena trajanja bolesti.
Ključne reči: Laser, herpes simplex labialis