Vol.5, No 1, 1998 pp. 37 - 39
UDC: 618.3
G. Gluhovschi, G. Bozdog, A. Schiller, V. Trandafirescu, L. Petrica,
S. Velciov, C. Patrascu, P. Boiboreanu, D. Spataru
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Country Hospital, Department of
Nephrology, Timisoara, Romania
Summary. Since the introduction in wider use of kidney
transplants from living related donors, the incidence of solitary kidney
(SK) has been growing, generating new questions for the nephrologist about
this particular item, especially its possible evolution towards CRF. In
our study we evaluated the association urinary tract infection (UTI)
UTI-SK (incidence, clinical aspects, evolution). We investigated 103 SK
patients hospitalized in The Nephrology Department-Timisoara from 1983
to 1995 (36 males, 67 females, mean age 45ą11 years). UTI was found in
49.51% of the cases (germs involved: E. coli-58.06%, Clostridium perfringens-9.67%,
Proteus-3.22%, Enterobacter-3.22%, others-9.67%, association-16.12%). A
high percentage, 60.71% of the patients developed UTI 14.2 years (on average)
after nephrectomy, and 39.29% before it. HT was more frequent in patients
with UTI (50.98% of the cases). CRF was present in 49.01% of the cases
with UTI but only in 28.84% of the SK patients without UTI (p=0.0357).
In conclusion, we can note that UTI is frequently associated to SK and
accelerates its evolution toward CRF.
Key words: Solitary kidney, urinary tract infection, hypertension,
chronic renal failure
Kratak sadržaj: Kako se danas široko koristi kalem bubrega od živog
davaoca, povećava se učestalost solitarnog bubrega, čime se otvaraju nova
pitanja za nefrologa vezana za ovaj bubreg, naročito za moguću evoluciju
prema hroničnoj bubrežnoj insuficijencijom (HBI). U ovom radu procenjivana
je povezanost infekcije urotrakta (IUT) i solitarnog bubrega (učestalost,
klinička slika, evolucija). Ispitivana su 103 bolesnika sa solitarnim bubregom
(36 muškaraca, 67 žena uzrast 45 ą 11 godina) hospitalizovanih na Nefrološkoj
klinici u Temišvaru od 1983. do 1995. godine. IUT je nadjena u 49,51% obolelih
(uzročnici: E.coli-58,06%, Clostridium perfringens-9,67%, Proteus-3,22%,
Enterobacter-3,22%, druge klice-9,67%, povezanost-16,12%). Visok procenat,
60,71% obolelih, razvili su IUT u proseku 14,2 godine posle nefrektomije,
a 39,29% pre tog vremena. Hipertenzija je bila mnogo češća u bolesnika
sa IUT, u 50,98% obolelih. HBI je bila prisutna u 49,01% obolelih sa UIT
a samo u 28,84% obolelih sa solitarnim bubregom bez IUT (p=0,0357). U zaključku,
nadjeno je da je IUT često povezana sa solitarnim bubregom i da ubrzava
evoluciju bolesti prema HBI.
Ključne reči: Solitarni bubreg, infekcija urinarnog trakta,
hipertenzija, hronična bubrežna insuficijencija