Vol.5, No 1, 1998 pp. 18 - 22
UDC: 612.82;616-005
Dragan Stojanov1, Petar Bošnjaković1,
Zoran Milenković2,
Nebojša Stojanović2, Ivan
Miroslava Živković3
1Institute of Radiology, 2Neurosurgical
Clinic, 3Clinic for Neurology, Clinical
Center, Niš, Yugoslavia
Summary. This is a retrospective study of 12 adults (8 female, 4
male, mean age 45.3; range 26-63) and two children with moyamoya disease
(MD) identified among 3400 diagnostic cerebral angiographies performed
in a period of 17 years. Diagnosis of MD was made on the basis of features
and progression of angiographic findings. Clinical manifestations and angiographic
findings were analysed with a review of the literature. Two children and
six adult patients had a clinical feature of ischemic cerebral events.
The other adult patients had clinical signs of subarachnoid and/or intracerebral
and intraventricular hemorrhage. Cerebral angiography showed a typically
fine network of vessels at the base of the brain with a hazy, puff-of-smoke
appearance, and development of transdural and leptomeningeal anastomoses
in children and 8 adults patients. Four adult patients were in the terminal
stage, with complete cerebral supply via vertebrobasilar and external carotid
branches. Two of the adult patients had accompanying saccular aneurysms
with localisations on basilar and internal carotid bifurcations, of which
the latter was bleeding. All angiographic changes were bilateral. Low incidence
and adult predominance are characteristic of MD in our population. There
was no familial occurence among our patients. The clinical features of
ischemic stroke were present in both children and adults, and intracranial
hemorrhage in adults only. A characteristic angiographic feature of moyamoya
was found in both children and adults.
Key words: Moyamoya disease, incidence, familial occurence,
clinical feature, cerebral angiography, aneurysm
Retrospektivnom studijom obuhvaćeno je 12 odraslih i dvoje dece obolelih
od oboljenja Moyamoya (MD) dijagnostikovanih u periodu od 17 godina. U
radu su analizirane kliničke manifestacije i angiografski nalazi u obolelih.
Dijagnoza MD postavljena je angiografskim pregledom. Dvoje dece i 6 odraslih
bolesnika imalo je kliničku sliku ishemijskih cerebralnih promena. Klinički
znaci subarahnoidalne i/ili intracerebralne i intraventrikularne hemoragije
bili su prisutni u ostalih bolesnika. Cerebralnom angiografijom nađene
su stenookluzivne promene unutrašnjih karotidnih arterija i tipična mreža
krvnih sudova magličastog izgleda na bazi mozga sa razvojem transduralnih
i leptomeningealnih anastomoza u dece i 8 odraslih bolesnika. Četiri odraslih
bolesnika bilo je u terminalnom stadijumu bolesti sa okluzijom unutrašnjih
karotidnih arterija i kompletnom vaskularizacijom mozga preko vertebrobazilarnog
sistema i grana spoljašnjih karotidnih arterija. Dvoje odraslih bolesnika
imalo je udružene sakularne aneurizme lokalizovane na bifurkaciji bazilarne
i unutrašnje karotidne arterije, Angiografske promene u svih bolesnika
bile su obostrane.
Ključne reči: Moyamoya oboljenje, incidenca, kliničke karakteristike,
cerebralna arteriografija, aneurizma