Vol.4, No 1, 1997 pp. 29 - 34
UC  616.831
Ivan Stefanović, Zoran Milenković, Goran Ignjatović, Milorad Babić, Ivan Ivanov, Sladjana Filipović
Neurosurgical Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Niš, Yugoslavia
Summary. A retrospective analysis of the length of survival in operatively treated patients harboring a Grade III and Grade IV astrocytomas in a 5-year period (1985-1989) was carried out in our investigation. There were 121 patients with the above mentioned tumors, sixteen of them were excluded from further analysis because of a lack of adequate follow-up, an age of less than 18 years, and deaths in the early postoperative period mostly due to cardio-pulmonar complications. Of the 105 remaining patients, 69 had Grade III tumors (65.7%) and 36 Grade IV tumors. The male-female ratio was 7l:34 (67.6:32.3%). The majority of them were older than 40 years (91.42%), only 9 patients were less than or equal to 40 years of age. The one year survival rate had 1/3 of patients, two-years survival was found in 7% of patients, there were 5% long-term survivors (more than 3 year-survival rate) and only 1 patient lived longer than 5 years. Longer survival was found in patients younger than or equal to 40 years of age (p<0.001), in patients with Grade III tumors (p<0.024), in patients who were treated by chemotherapy (p<0.017) and in those who underwent a repeated surgery (p<0.00001). The sex had no statistical significance in relation to the survival rate. All patients were treated with 42 Gy, 14 of them received chemotherapy (p<0.017) as well. In the group of 15 patients who had repeated surgery, proportionally more frequent were males 12 (16.9%), as well as patients who were younger than or equal to 40 years of age (p<.087). The length of survival after a repeated surgery was 3-4 times shorter than after the first operation.
The multidisciplinary treatment of high-grade astrocytomas may contribute to long term survival but real perspectives in the duration of life in these patients might be expected after active immunologic treatment.
Key words: Astrocytoma, chemotherapy, repeated surgery, survival
Kratak sadržaj. Retrospektivno su analizirani operativno tretirani astrocitomi III i IV stepena maligniteta, u periodu 1985-1989. godine. Praćena je dužina preživljavanja u petogodišnjem periodu.Validnu grupu činilo je 105 pacijenata.Analizom nije obuhvaćeno 16 pacijenata zbog uzrasta mladjeg od 18 godina, neposrednog postoperativnog umiranja usled kardio-pulmonalnih komplikacija, kao i nepotpune medicinske dokumentacije o postoperativnom lečenju i vremenu smrti. Od 105 pacijenata validne grupe, 69 je imalo tumor III stepena (65,7%),a 36 pacijenata tumor IV stepena.Muškaraca je bilo 71 (67,6%), žena 34. dominirali su stariji od 40 godina (91,4%), prema svega 9 pacijenata mladjih od 40 godina. U seriji je zabeleženo jednogodišnje preživljavanje u 1/3 pacijenata, dvogodišnje u 7 %, trogodišnje u 5 %, dok je 5 godina preživeo samo 1 pacijent. Duže preživljavanje je zabeleženo u pacijenata mladjih od 40 godina  (p<0,001), sa histološkim gradusom III (p<0,024), hemiotretiranih (p<0,017), odnosno reoperisanih pacijenata (p<0,00001). Pol nije statistički značajno uticao na dužinu preživljavanja. Svi pacijenti su u sklopu iradijacione terapije tretirani sa 42 Gy, a njih 14 bilo je podvrgnuto hemioterapiji  (p<0,017). U grupi 15 reoperisanih pacijenata procentualno zastupljeniji bili su muškarci 12 (16,9%), pacijenti  mladji od 40 godina  (p<0,087), sa histološkim gradusom  III  (p<0,021).Dužina  preživljavanja  posle reoperacije bila je 3-4 puta kraća nego posle prve operacije .
Zaključujemo da multidisciplinarni (neurohirurško-onkološki) pristup lečenju visokomalignih astrocitoma može doprineti dužem preživljavanju , ali se prave perspektive produženja života u takvih pacijenata očekuje tek primenom aktivne imunološke terapije.
Ključne reči: Astrocitomi, hemioterapija, reoperacije, preživljavanje