Vol.4, No 1, 1997 pp. 23 - 28
UC  611.81
Radomir R.Vučetić 1, Dragomir R.Vučetić 2
1 Department of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, University of Niš, 2 Clinic of Ginecology and Obstetrics, Medical Faculty, University of Niš,Yugoslavia
Summary. We do not approve of the concept that the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus has only two layers, a superficial dural layer and a deep layer. We studied 80 fetuses by surgical microscope. Micropaque as a contrast was injected in the fetal arterial system. In the lateral wall of the fetal cavernous sinus we are able to recognize the following four layers: l.The first or outside dural layer. 2.The second layer we named the layer of the trochlear nerve and its vessels. 3.The third layer is the layer of the oculomotor nerve and ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve and their vessels. 4.The fourth layer of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus we called the deeper layer. Recognition of those layers in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus is important in cavernous sinus surgery.
Key words: Cavernous sinus, the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, four layers
Kratak sadržaj. Mi se nismo složili sa konceptom da spoljašnji zid kavernoznog sinusa ima samo dva sloja, jedan površni duralni sloj i jedan duboki sloj. Ispitivali smo 8o fetusa uz pomoć hirurškog mikroskopa. Micropaque kao kontrastno sredstvo bio je ubrizgan u fetalni arterijski sistem. U spoljašnjem zidu fetalnog kavernoznog sinusa bili smo sposobni da prepoznamo sledeća četiri sloja: l.Prvi ili spoljašnji duralni sloj. 2.Drugi sloj koga smo imenovali slojem trohlearnog živca i njegovih krvnih sudova. 3.Treći sloj je sloj okulomotornog živca i oftalmične grane trigeminalnog živca i njihovih krvnih sudova. 4.Četvrti sloj spoljašnjeg zida kavernoznog sinusa nazvali smo najdubljim slojem. Prepoznavanje ovih slojeva u spoljašnjem zidu kavernoznog sinusa važno je pri hirurškim zahvatima u predelu kavernoznog sinusa.
Ključne reči: Kavernozni sinus, spoljašnji zid kavernoznog sinusa, četiri sloja