Vol.15, No 3, 2008 pp. 119 - 124
UC 633.88 

Mohammad-Bagher Hassanpouraghdam1*, Seied-Jalal Tabatabaie2, Hossein Nazemiyeh3,
Lamia Vojodi4, Mohammad-Ali Aazami1, Atefeh Mohajjel Shoja5
1Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Iran.
2Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran.
3Drug Applied Research Center, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
4Department of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Iran
 E-mail: hassanpouraghdam@gmail.com

Summary. Costmary (Chrysanthemum balsamita (L.) Baill. syn. Tanacetum balsamita L.) is one of the most important medicinal and aromatic plants of Azerbaijan provinces in Iran. This plant has been used for more than several centuries as flavor, carminative and cardiotonic in traditional and folk medicine of Iran, and some parts of the world such as the Mediterranean, Balkan and South American countries, but there is scarce information about this plant. In most substances and, for majority of folk and medical applications, costmary is harvested from the natural habitats. This trend i.e. harvests from natural habitats and different ecological conditions lead to the production of different medicinal preparations because of the divergent intrinsic active principle profiles of different plant origins. In addition, harvest from natural habitats can cause deterioration of genetic resources of plant and, the result would be imposing of irreversible destructive effects on the ecological balance of flora and ecosystems. Taking into account the widespread uses of costmary and its preparations in most countries especially in North-West of Iran and Turkey, also because of limited scientific literature for Chrysanthemum balsamita (L.) Baill., this article will survey the literature for different characteristics of costmary and its essential oil for the first time.
Key words: Chrysanthemum balsamita (L.) Baill., Asteraceae, essential oil, carvone, α-thujone, β-bisabolene

Kratak sadržaj: Matičnjak (Chrysanthemum balsamita (L.) Baill. syn. Tanacetum balsamita L.) je jedna od najvažnijih lekovitih i aromatičnih biljaka azerbejdžanskih provincija u Iranu. Vekovima se koristila kao začin, karminativ i kardiotonik u tradicionalnoj i narodnoj medicini Irana, kao i u pojedinim delovima sveta kao što su Mediteran, Balkan i zemlje Južne Amerike. Medjutim, o ovoj biljci postoji veoma malo podataka. Kod većine supstanci i narodnih i medicinskih preparata, matičnjak se ubire iz prirodnih staništa. Ovakav pojava, tj. ubiranje u prirodnom staništu i različita ekološka okruženja, uslovljavaju proizvodnju raznovrsnih lekovitih preparata što je rezultat raznolikih urodjenih aktivnih principa u profilu iste biljke sa različitim poreklom. Takodje, ubiranje iz prirodnih staništa može da dovede do slabljenja genetskih resursa biljke a kao rezultat toga dolazi do nepovratnog destruktivnog uticaja na ekološku ravnotežu flore i ekosistema. Imajući u vidu široku primenu matičnjaka i njegovih preparata u većini zemalja, naročito na severo-zapadu Irana i u Turskoj, kao i nedovoljno naučne literature koja izučava Chrysanthemum balsamita (L.) Baill, ovaj članak bavi se pregledom literature u cilju pronalaženja različitih karakteristika matičnjaka i njegovih eteričnih ulja.
Ključne reči: Chrysanthemum balsamita (L.) Baill, Asteraceae, eterična ulja, karvon, α-tujon, β-bisabolen