Vol.15, No 3, 2008 pp. 108 - 112
UC 616.724-008.6:616.31
Sanja Perić¹, Maja Bubanj², Saša Bubanj³, Snežana Jančić4
¹Health centre in Niš, Serbia
2Farmaceutical institution in Niš,
3Faculty of sport and physical education,
University in Niš, Serbia,
4Faculty of medicine, University of
Kragujevac, Serbia
E-mail: sanjasasa@bankerinter.net
Summary. Introduction: Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) are a special group
of organic acids found in many natural nutriments. They have been described
in literature for the treatment of a number of conditions in which abnormal
keratinization consistently contributes to pathogenesis. These include
ichtyoses, warts, psoriasis, eczema and acne. Adapalene modulates cellular
keratinization and inflammatory processes, and thus is highly comedolytic
and anti-inflammatory. This latter effect is due to inhibition of the lipoxygenase
activity and also to the oxidative metabolism of arachidonic acid. Aims:
The aim of present study was to compare the efficiency and skin tolerance
of a topical alpha hydroxy acid preparation and topical retinoid adapalen
on mild to moderate acne, all in order to reduce acne. Experimental part:
Group consisted of 35 subjects who were divided in two sub-samples. Within
the first experimental sub-group 2ml of 40% solution of AHA (Dr Murad fruid
acids 40%) was applied to all subjects (Nsg1=15), once a week. Within second
experimental sub-group), 0,05% Adapalen (Airol cream) was applied to all
subjects (Nsg2=20), once a day. Testing areas were 5x5 cm, left and right
cheek, parallel. Therapy lasted for 7 weeks. For data statistical analysis
and interpretation of results, software program "SPSS version 13" was used.
Results were expressed through the descriptive statistics, as simple frequencies,
while for establishing of statistically significant differences, t test
of significance was used. Results: The results of this study showed that
alpha hydroxy acid and adapalen had a significant effect in the treatment
of mild to moderate acne by reducing the number of lesions (non-inflamed
and inflamed). Furthemore, fewer side-effects were experienced by patients
treated with AHA when compared to adapalen. Conclusion: Topical AHA and
topical adapalene had overall efficiency and superior therapeutic dimension.
Key words: Acne vulgaris, alpha
hydroxy acids,adapalen
Kratak sadržaj: Uvod: α-hidroksi kiseline (AHAs) predstavljaju
posebnu grupu organskih kiselina koje su prisutne u mnogim prirodnim proizvodima.
Ove kiseline se u literaturi pominju u tretmanima u kojima abnormalna keratinizacija
doprinosi stalnim patološkim procesima, koji uključuju ihtioze, pojavu
bradavica, psorijazu, ekcem i akne. Adapalen menja ćelijsku keratinizaciju
i inflamatorne procese, a takođe ima i komedolitičko i protiv zapaljensko
dejstvo. Ovi efekti nastaju kao posledica inhibicije aktivnosti lipooksigenaze,
kao i oksidativnog metabolizma arahidonske kiseline. Ciljevi: Cilj istraživanja
je bio poređenje efikasnosti i tolerancije kože na primenu preparata
sa alfa-hidroksi kiselinama i retinoidom adapalenom, kod blažih do umerenih
oblika akni, a sve u cilju smanjenja akni. Eksperimentalni deo: Uzorak
je sačinjavalo 35 ispitanika, podeljenih u dva subuzorka. U okviru prvog
subuzorka, svim ispitanicima (Nsg1=15), aplikovano je 2ml 40%-nog rastvora
α-hidroksi kiselina (Dr Murad voćne kiseline 40%) jednom nedeljno. U
okviru drugog subuzorka, svim ispitanicima (Nsg2=20), aplikovan je 0.05%-tni
Adapalen (Airol krema), jednom dnevno. Testirane površine kože levog
i desnog obraza, bile su 5x5 cm, paralelno. Terapija je trajala 7 nedelja.
Za statističku analizu podataka i interpretaciju rezultata u upotrebi
je bio softver "SPSS verzija 13". Rezultati su izraženi putem deskriptivne
statistike u vidu učestalosti, dok je za utvrđivanje statistički značajnih
razlika korišćen t test značajnosti. Rezultati: Rezultati ovog istraživanja
su pokazali da α- hidroksi kiseline i adapalen imaju veliku ulogu u tretmanu,
kojim se smanjuju akne redukcijom broja lezija (neinficiranih i inficiranih).
Šta više, manje neželjenih efekata, imali su ispitanici tretirani α-
hidroksi kiselinama u poređenju sa ispitanicima tretiranim adapalenom.
Zaključak: Topikalna α-hidroksi kiselina i topikalni adapalen pokazali
su ukupnu efikasnost i superiornu terapeutsku dimenziju.
Ključne reči: akne vulgaris,
adapalen, α-hidroksi kiseline