Vol.15, No 3, 2008 pp. 103 - 107
UC 616.9-036.22

Miodrag Vrbić1, Biljana Vrbić2, Svetislav Vrbić3, Maja Jovanović1
1Clinic for Infectious Diseases,Clinical Centre Niš, Republic of Serbia
2Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases,Clinical Centre Niš, Nis, Republic of Serbia
3Clinic of Oncology, Clinical Centre Niš, Republic of Serbia
 E-mail: mvrbic@eunet.rs

Summary. About 59 Lactobacillus isolates were isolated from 5 different fresh water sites such as Cat fish (Clarias orientalis), Hari fish (Anguilla sp), Rohu fish (Labeo rohita), Jillabe  fish (Oreochromis sp) and Gende fish (Punitus carnaticus). Among the 59 isolates only 4 Lactobacillus isolates were selected for further study. Based on morphologiIn infectology, more than anywhere else in medicine, we are witnessing the variability, vicissitude of pathology. The changes of the relationship of man and his microbial environment have been especially dynamic in the last decades. In order to define the nature of this process, its possible origin and regularity, we compared the reports on infectious diseases in the Republic of Serbia for 1987 (from 1983 to 1987) and 2004 (from 2000 to 2004). A statistically significant reduction of morbidity was found, caused by a reduced incidence of vaccine-preventable infections (rubella, mumps morbilli, pertussis) and infections related to basic hygiene habits and sanitation (gastrointestinal tract infections, scabies, viral hepatitis type A, gonorrhoea...). On the other hand, there were significantly more infections caused by infectious mononucleosis and morbus Lyme agents, which have a specific relationship with the immune system, as well as the diseases which are the consequence of immune deficiency, such as herpes zoster or fungal diseases. At the same time, paradoxically, changes in the immune status and increased microbial resistance are the basis of a significant increase of mortality from infectious diseases. Overall, the evolution of our relationship with microbial environment is the consequence of general social progress, as well as the progress of medicine itself, and this relationship is nowadays characterized by the prevalence of infections caused by the microbial agents conditionally compromising with their hosts.
Key words: Infectious disease, epidemiology, protean, Republic of Serbia

Kratak sadržaj: U infektologiji, više nego bilo gde drugde u medicini, svedoci smo promenljivosti, nestalnosti patologije. Ove izmene odnosa čoveka i njegovog mikrobnog okruženja posebno su dinamične poslednjih par decenija. U cilju definisanja prirode tog procesa, njegovog mogućeg porekla i zakonitosti, upoređivani su izveštaji o kretanju zaraznih bolesti u Republici Srbiji, za 1987. (od 1983. do 1987.) i 2004. (od 2001. do 2004.) godinu. Utvrđen je statistički značajan pad morbiditeta, uslovljen smanjenom incidencijom vakcinama preventabilnih infekcija (rubella, mumps, morbilli, pertussis) i infekcija povezanih sa osnovnim higijenskim i zdravstvenim navikama (infekcije gastointestinalnog trakta, scabies, hepatitis virosa A, gonorrhoea...). Sa druge strane, verifikovana je značajno veća učestalost infekcija uzročnicima infektivne mononukleoze i Lyme borelioze, koji su u specifičnom odnosu sa imunskim sistemom, kao i oboljenja koja su rezultat imunodeficijencije, poput herpes zostera ili gljivičnih oboljenja. Istovremeno, izmene imunskog statusa i povećana mikrobna rezistencija su osnov, naizgled paradoksalnog, značajnog povećanja mortaliteta infektivnih bolesti. Generalno gledano, evolucija našeg odnosa sa mikrookruženjem posledica je ubrzanog opšteg društvenog napretka, kao i napretka same medicine. Ovaj odnos je sada neposredniji nego ikad i karektarisan je prevladavanjem infekcija mikrobnim agensima koji su našli uslovni kompromis sa svojim domaćinom.
Ključne reči: infektivne bolesti, epidemiologija, protejski, Republika Srbija