Vol.15, No 3, 2008 pp. 85 - 91
UC 616.833.15/.834-053.13:616-076

Stojanka Arsić1, Ivan Jovanović1, Aleksandar Petrović2, Predrag Perić3, Milena Đukić4
¹Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine Niš, Niš, Serbia
2Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine Niš, Serbia
3Department of Neurosurgery, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
4Health Centre, Ophtalmology Unit, Niš, Serbia
 E-mail: stojanka@junis.ni.ac.rs

Summary. Blood supply is an important component for morphofunctional ability of the ganglions. The aim of this study is to quantify, by the application of stereological method, the microcirculation components of the trigeminal ganglion, added to the sensory trigeminal root as one of the most important component of the trigeminal system.The material consisted of 12 right human fetal trigeminal ganglia. Fetuses were classified into three groups according to their gestational age. Trigeminal ganglions, together with neighboring dural sheath, were dissected under the surgical microscope.   After routine histological processing, trigeminal ganglions were cut into 5 m thick slices and stained with HE, Alcian blue-PAS and Masson trichrome stain. Morphometric analysis was performed with M42 multipurpose test system under the lens magnification 63. The number of capillaries per square millimeter increased significantly during the gestation in the third fetal age group. Average arteriolar and venular length density insignificantly increased in the mandibular, while it decreased insignificantly in the maxillary and ophthalmic division of the trigeminal ganglion. This morphometric parameter had the highest values in mandibular, lower in ophthalmic and the lowest values in maxillary trigeminal ganglion division. The presence of capillary microcirculation component increased during the gestation. Conversely, arteriolar and venular component did not show significant changes during the gestation, but its presence was the most distinct in the mandibular trigeminal ganglion division and least expressed in the maxillary portion.
Key words: Fetal, trigeminal ganglion, microcirculation, morphometry

Kratak sadržaj: Prokrvljenost je važna komponenta morfofunkcionalne očuvanosti gangliona.Cilj ovog istraživanja bila je kvantifikacija, primenom stereoloških metoda, komponenti mikrocirkulacije trigeminalnog gangliona, pridodatog senzitivnom korenu trigeminusa, kao jedne on najvažnijih komponenti trigeminalnog sistema. Materijal za istraživanje činilo je 12 desnih trigeminalnih gangliona humanih fetusa Fetusi su bili klasifikovani u tri grupe prema gestacionoj starosti. Trigeminalni ganglioni, zajedno sa okružujućim duralnim omotačem, bili su disekovani uz pomoć operacionog mikroskopa. Nakon rutinske histološke procedure,trigeminalni ganglioni su bili sečeni na preseke debljine 5 m i bojeni HE, Alcian blue - PAS i Masson trichromnim bojenjem. Morfometrijska analiza uradjena je uz upotrebu M42 multinamenskog testnog sistema pod uvećanjem 63. Broj kapilara na milimetru kvadratnom raste signifikantno tokom gestacije u trećoj grupi fetusa. Prosečna dužinska gustina arteriola i venula nesignifikantno raste u mandibularnom, dok opada nesignifikantno u maksilarnom i oftalmičkom delu gangliona. Ovaj morfometrijski parametar ima najveće vrednosti u mandibularnom, manje u oftalmičkom i najmanje u maksilarnom delu gangliona. Kapilarna mikrocirklacija raste tokom gestacije. Nasuprot njoj, arteriolarne i venularne komponente ne pokazuju značajne promene u toku gestacije,ali je njihovo prisustvo najizraženije u mandibularnom delu trigeminalnog gangliona,a najmanje izraženo u maksilarnom delu.
Ključne reči: Fetalni, trigeminalni ganglion, microcirkulacija, morfometrija