Vol.15, No 3, 2008 pp. 81 - 84
UC 616.12-008.331.1:612.084

Danijela Tasić1, Stevo Najman2
¹Clinic of Nephrology, Clinical Center, Niš, Serbia
2School of Medicine, University of Nis, Niš, Serbia
 E-mail: danijeladt@yahoo.com

Summary. Experimental research in medicine can be performed in vitro on cell cultures, bacteria or insects, as well as on laboratory animals. Many animal diseases, functions or genes resemble those of people and this provides experimental models. According to bibliographic data, experimental research is conducted on rodents (mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits and other rodents) in 85% of all research. The selection of rodents implies determining the type of rodent, infestation and breed. Rats used in medical research originate from the gray Norwegian rat, i.e. Ratus norvegicus. There is a small number of inbred breeds, the most famous of which is the Lewis rat. The most frequent outbreed infestations in use are Wistar and Sprague-Dawely varieties. Hypertension is a multifactorial disease and experimental models of hypertension have provided valuable information on etiology, pathophysiology, complications and treatment. The choice of animal model will be determined by the research aim, financial and technical support. This article reviews certain experimental models of hypertension.
Key words: Research, model, hypertension

Kratak sadržaj: Eksperimentalna istraživanja u medicini se mogu izvoditi in vitro na ćelijskim kulturama, bakterijama ili insektima, ali i na laboratorijskim životinjama. Mnoge bolesti, funkcije ili geni životinja podsećaju na ljudske i to obezbeđuje modele za eksperimente. Prema literaturnim podacima eksperimentalna istraživanja su u 85% svih istraživanja sprovedena su na laboratorijskim glodarima (miševi, pacovi, zamorci, kunići i dr glodari). Izbor glodara podrazumeva da je potrebno da se odredi vrsta glodara, zapat i soj. Pacovi koji se koriste u medicinskim istraživanjima vode poreklo od sivog norveškog pacova Ratus norvegicus. Postoji manji broj inbred sojeva od kojih su najpoznatiji Lewis rat. Od outbred zapata se najčešće koriste Wistar i Sprague-Dawely varijeteti.
Ključne reči: Istraživanja, modeli, hipertenzija