Vol.15, No 2, 2008 pp. 56 - 68
UC 616.717.7-089

Jefta Kozarski, Srđan Cvetanović, Milomir Gačević, Svetlana Vesanović
Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Burns, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade
E-mail: kozarski@eunet.rs

Summary. The significance of war injuries of the hand is the direct consequence of the incidence of these wounds and the resulting disability. According to the World War II data, the incidence of hand injuries is approximately 7% of all war injuries. Inadequate management and surgical treatment produce severe disability. Due to highly specialized anatomic structure characterized by a high ratio of skin surface and the volume of deeper tissue structures and complex functional mechanisms it possesses, the hand is an organ the injury of which requires specific diagnostic and surgical measures. Since war injuries of the hand are mostly complex and associated with tissue (cutaneous) defects, it is essential that a surgeon has good command of the reconstruction methods in wound closure in the reparatory phase, as well as of appropriate atraumatic technique in the reconstruction of tendons, nerves, bones in the reconstruction phase. This paper aims at presenting surgical management of war injuries of the hand according to the principles of war surgery and to establish the place of plastic surgery in the management of war injuries of the hand.
Key words: Hand, war wound, surgery, treatment

Kratak sadržaj: Značaj zbrinjavanja ratnih povreda šake proističe iz njihove učestalosti i invaliditeta do kojih rane dovode. Prema podacima iz II svetskog rata učestalost ratnih povreda šake iznosi oko 7% svih ratnih povreda. Neadekvatno zbrinjavanje i hirurško lečenje dovodi do teškog invaliditeta. Zbog visoko specijalizovane anatomske strukture koji se karakteriše velikim odnosom površine kože u odnosu na zapreminu ostalih dubokih tkivnih struktura i kompleksnog funkcionalnog mehanizma koje poseduje, šaka predstavlja organ čije povrede zahtevaju specifične dijanostičke i hiruške mere. Obzirom na činjenicu da su ratne povrede šake pretežno kompleksne i praćene defektima tkiva (prvenstveno kože) od esencijalnog značaja je da hirurg vlada rekonstruktivnim metodama zatvaranja rane u reparatornoj fazi, kao i atraumatskom tehnikom tokom rekonstrukcije tetiva, nerava i kosti u rekonstruktivnoj fazi. Cilj ovog rada je da se prikaže hirurško zbrinjavanje ratnih povreda šake po principima ratno hirurške doktrine i odredi mesto plastične hirurgije u zbrinjavanju ratnih povreda šake.
Ključne reči: šaka, ratna rana, hirurgija, tretman