Vol.14, No 3, 2007 pp. 141 - 147

Zorica Antic
Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis

Summary. It is essential that language for specific purpose courses be based on insights into learners' actual language learning needs, which can be gained through qualitative needs analysis. Medical English is taught from the perspective of medicine and health care first and foremost while reinforcing vocabulary acquisition, grammar and structure secondly. Teachers can help students deploy background knowledge and integrate new knowledge. The students at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis are undergraduate and practicing medical doctors. Their demand for English is very specific. They want to communicate in English with certain groups of people about fairly specific topics. In analyzing their needs we have come to the conclusion that their demand is more specific than English for Medical Purposes (EMP). They have a desire to publish medical articles in respected journals, they want to participate in international conferences. Students are more motivated to learn, acquire and use language when the entire context of the learning is within the field of their interest.
Key words: English, medicine, teaching

Kratak sadržaj: Veoma je važno da kurs jezika za specijalne namene bude baziran na stvarnim jezičkim potrebama studenata koje se utvrdjuju kvalitativnom analizom potreba. Podučavanje medicinskom engleskom jeziku vrši se prvenstveno iz perspektive medicine dok se vokabular, gramatika i jezičke strukture obradjuju sekundarno. Nastavnici mogu da pomognu studentima u integraciji postojećeg i novog znanja. Potrebe studenata Medicinskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Nišu su veoma specifične. Žele da komuniciraju na Engleskom jeziku sa odredjenim grupama ljudi o specifičnim temama. Analizirajući njihove potrebe došlo se do zaključka da su njihove potrebe specifičnije od Engleskog za potrebe medicine (EMP). Žele da objavljuju medicinske članke u stručnim časopisima, da učestvuju na medjunarodnim konferenijama. Studenti su motivisani da uče i koriste jezik u okruženju koje je u skladu sa njihovim stručnim interesovanjima.
Ključne reči: Engleski jezik, medicina, podučavanje