Vol.14, No 3, 2007 pp. 138 - 140
UC 616.379:616.314.17-008.1:618.2
Rosa María Díaz Romero, Gerardo Casanova Román, Magdalena Beltrán
The National Institute of Perinatology, Mexico City, Mexico
E-mail: dra_diazromero@yahoo.com.mx
Summary. The relationship between diabetes mellitus and infection
is bidirectional. The most frequent infections encountered in pregnant
diabetics are those of the urinary (UTI) and cervicovaginal (CVI) area.
Periodontal disease (PD) is an infectious disease frequently found in these
cases, often remaining as a hidden entity of low intensity. The aim of
this study is to asses whether there is an association between PD and a
lack of glycemic control in gestating diabetes mellitus type 2 patients.A
single skilled researcher performed the periodontal evaluation of PD. Glycated
alpha hemoglobin (A1C) over 6.5% was used to diagnose metabolic glucose
disturbance. We controlled variables UTI, CVI, oral hygiene and adherence
to treatment. Eighty type 2 diabetic women were seen during second, and
third trimester and postnatal period. We found statistical association
in all variables in the second trimester with Hb A1c, in the third trimester
we only found statistical association between inadequate therapeutic adherence/compliance
HbA1c> 6.5%. In the postnatal period we could see the association between
PD and inadequate therapeutic adherence/ compliance with HbA1c > 6.5%.
PD may act as hidden infections in pregnant diabetics and be associated
with the lack of glycemic control. We were unable to establish the consistancy
of the association between PD with HbA1c > 6.5% throughout of following.
Key words: Diabetes, periodontal
disease, glycemic control
Kratak sadržaj: Odnos između diabetes melitusa i infekcije je
dvosmeran. Najčešće infekcije trudnica koje boluju od dijabetesa su
infekcije urinarne (UTI) i cervikovaginalne (CVI) oblasti. Kod ovakvih
slučajeva najčešće se javlja periodontalno oboljenje (PD) koje je sakriveno
i slabog je intenziteta. Cilj ove studije je da proceni postojanje veze
između PD’a i nedostatka glikemijske kontrole kod trudnica koje boluju
od dijabetes melitusa 2. tipa. Istraživač je obavio periodontalnu procenu
PD-a. Metabolički poremećaj glukoze je dijagnistifikovan pomoću glikemijskog
alfa hemoglobina (A1C). Kontolisane su varijable UTI, CVI, oralna higijena
i pridržavanje tretmanu. Tokom drugog i trećeg trimestra i tokom postnatalnog
perioda pregledano je 80 žena sa dijabetesom tipa 2. Pronađena je statistička
povezanost svih varijabli sa Hb A1C, u drugom trimestru, a u trećem trimestru
je otkrivena samo statistička povezanost između neadekvatnog pridržavanja
tretmanu i Hb A1C>6,5%. U postnatalnom periodu mogla se videti povezanost
između PD i neadekvatnog pridržavanja tretmanu sa Hb A1C>6,5%. PD mogu
da je jave kao sakrivene infekcije kod trudnica sa dijabetesom i da se
dovedu u vezu sa nedostatkom glikemijske kontrole. Nismo uspeli da uspostavimo
doslednu povezanost između PD i Hb A1C > 6,5% tokom kontrolnog perioda.
Ključne reči: dijabetes,
periodontalno oboljenje, glikemijska kontrola