Vol.14, No 3, 2007 pp. 128 - 132
UC 615.9:612.45
Mila Bojanovic1, Marija Spalevic2,
Maja Simonovic3, Snezana Cekic4,
Teodora Aggelopoulou5, Aljundi Mohhammad6,
Vuka Katic7
1Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology, Clinical
Center, Nis, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis
2Clinic of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Clinical Center, Nis, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis
3Clinic of Mental Health and Developmental
Neurology and Psychiatry, Clinical Center, Nis, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Nis
4Institute of Physiology, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Nis
5Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Thessaloniki,
University Hospital of Thessaloniki, Greece
6Department of Dermatology, Xanthy,
Medical Center of Xanthy, Greece
7Institute of Pathology, Clinical Center,
Nis, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis
E-mail: katic_vuka@yahoo.com
Summary. Monosodium glutamate is neurotoxin, potentially toxic to
everyone - even to those people who do not respond with adverse reactions
such as migraine headache, asthma, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, disorientation,
and depression. However, it is used worldwide to improve the food preference.
Hypothalamic lesions induced by neonatal treatment with MSG are primary
in the preoptic and arcuate nuclei and in the median eminence, resulting
in Cushing's obesity, stunted growth, lethargy and sterility. Having in
the mind the contradictory data on the role of the adrenal glands in this
type of obesity, the objective of the present experiment was to study MSG-effect
on the adrenal gland morphology. Seven newborn C57BL/6J mice, 9 days after
the birth, were injected daily with MSG (4.4mg/g body WT) sc. Controls
received no treatment. Mice were killed at 4 months of age, and the adrenal
glands were removed. For histologicalstudies, specimens were fixed in 10%
formalin, routinely processed and embedded in paraffin. Each section (5nm
in thickness) was stained with HE, Van Gieson and PAS techniques, and observed
microscopically. Besides Cushing's obesity, the most important morphological
finding was hypertrophy of both adrenal glands, compared with controls.
Microscopically, the cortex was widened and composed predominantly of fasciculate
cells with large cells and abundant intracytoplasmic lipid droplets showing
microvesicular pattern. Thus, the authors confirm the suggestion that mice
neonatal treatment with MSG causes a complex disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
Key words: Adrenal gland, hypothalamic
obesity, monosodium glutamate, mice
Kratak sadržaj: Mononatrijum glutamat je potencijalno toksičan
za svakog- potencijalno toksičan cak i za one ljude koji ne reaguju na
njegovo unošenje neprijatnim reakcijama kao sto je migrena,astma, gađenje
i povraćanje, zamor, dezorijentacija i depresija. Uprkos tome, mononatrijum
glutamat se koristi širom sveta u cilju poboljšanja kvaliteta hrane.
Hipotalamične lezije, izazvane tretiranjem neonatusa mononatrijum glutamatom
su primarno lokalizovane u preoptičkom i arkuatnom jedru i u eminenciji
mediani, dovodeći do Kušingovog tipa gojaznosti, zakržljalog rasta,
pospanosti i steriliteta. Imajući na umu kontradiktorne podatke o ulozi
nadbubrežnih žlezda u ovom tipu gojaznosti, predmet proučavanja u ovom
eksperimentu je efekat mononatrijum glutamata na morfologiju nadbubrežne
žlezde. Sedam novorođenih C57BL/6J miševa je tretirano potkožnim ubrizgavanjem
mononatrijum glutamata (4,4mg/g telesne tezine), jedanput dnevno, u toku
prvih 9 dana života. Kontrolne životinje nisu tretirane. Miševi su žrtvovani
u 4 meseca starosti, a zatim su nadbubrežne žlezde izvađene. Za histološko
proučavanje, uzorci su fiksirani u 10% rastvoru formalina, rutinski obrađivani
i ukalupljeni u parafin. Svaki presek (5nm debljine) je bojen HA, Van Gieson
i PAS metodama i analiziran mikroskopski. Pored Kušingovog tipa gojaznosti,
najvažniji morfološki nalaz je hipertrofija nadbubrežnih žlezda, u
odnosu na kontrole. Mikroskopski, kora je proširena i sastavljena pretežno
od fascikulatne zone, sa velikim ćelijama koje su obilovale lipidnim kapljicama
u citoplazmi, pokazujući mikrovezikularni izgled. Prema tome, autori su
potvrdili sumnju da tretiranje novororođenih miševa izaziva složeno
razaranje hipotalamo-hipofizno-adrenalne ose.
Ključne reči: Nadbubrežna
žlezda, hipotalamusna gojaznost, mononatrijum glutamat, miševi