Vol.14, No 3, 2007 pp. 117 - 120
UC 616.428.006.44

Irena Ćojbašić, Lana Mačukanović-Golubović
Clinic of Haematology and Clinical Immunology, Clinical Center, Niš, Serbia
E-mail: icojbasic@gmail.com

Summary. Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is an uncommon malignancy involving lymph nodes and lymphatic system. Due to the progress of the treatment, HL becomes a potentially curable disease. International Prognostic Index (IPI) was defined as the number of adverse prognostic factors presented at diagnosis. This report aims to assess the predictive power of the IPI for HL patients. On the basis of the retrospective study of patients with HL, we analyzed the prognostic significance of several factors with regard to response to treatment. We reviewed the medical records of 26 patients with HL, who were diagnosed and treated in our Clinic between 2004 and 2008. The median age of patients was 40 years, out of which 61.7% were males. Most patients had nodular sclerosis (57.7%) and mixed cellular (38.5%) histology. Clinical stage at diagnosis (AAS) was: I - II 46.1%, III - IV 53.9%. Presentation of IPI score was: low 26.9%, low intermediate 30.8%, high intermediate 34.6% and high 7.7%. B-symptoms were recorded in 64.5% of patients. Most of the patients received standard multi-agent chemotherapy with the well-established ABVD regime which provides the best balance of effectiveness and minimization of toxicity. Complete remission (CR) was achieved in 69% of patients after the first-line therapy. Significantly associated with the decrease of probability of achieving CR was the increased IPI score itself (p=0.02) and two of the five factors analyzed: extranodal disease >1 site (p=0.003) and poor performance status >1 (p=0.04). The International Prognostic Index shows good prognostic power in HL.
Key words: Hodgkin lymphoma, IPI, prognosis, treatment

Kratak sadržaj: Hočkinov limfom (HL) je neobičan malignitet koji zahvata limfne žlezde i limfni sistem. Zbog napretka u lečenju, HL je postao potencijalno izlečiva bolest. Internacionalni prognostički indeks (IPI) definiše se kao broj nepovoljnih prognostičkih faktora koji se prezentuju pri dijagnozi. Cilj ovoga rada je da proceni predskazujuću moć IPI skora kod pacijenata sa HL. Na osnovu retrospektivne studije pacijenata obolelih od HL, analizirana je prognostička signifikantnost više faktora prema  odgovoru na terapiju. Razmatrane su medicinske istorije 26 pacijenata koji su dijagnostikovani i lečeni na našoj Klinici u periodu od 2004. do 2008. godine. Prosečna starost pacijenata bila je 40 godina a 61,7% od njih bili su muškarci. Većina pacijenata je od histoloških tipova imala nodularnu sklerozu (57,7%) ili mešovitu celularnost (38,5%). Klinički stadijum pri dijagnozi (AAS) bio je: I-II 46,1%, III-IV 53,9%. Prezentacija IPI skora je bila: nizak 26,9%, srednje nizak 30,8%, srednje visok 34,6% i visok 7,7%. B simptomi su bili prisutni kod 64,5% pacijenata. Većina pacijenata je dobijala standardnu polihemioterapiju po dobro utvrđenom ABVD protokolu koji obezbeđuje najbolji balans efikasnosti i minimalne toksičnosti. Kompletna remisija (KR) je bila postignuta u 69% pacijenata posle prve terapijske linije. Opadajuća mogućnost postizanja KR je bila signifikantno udružena sa višim IPI skorom (p=0,02) i sa dva od pet analiziranih faktora: ekstranodalna bolest >1 mesta (p=0,003) i loš performans status >1 (p=0,04). Internacionalni prognostički indeks pokazao je dobru prognostičku moć kod HL.
Ključne reči: Hočkinov limfom, IPI, prognoza, tretman