Vol.14, No 2, 2007 pp. 92 - 97
UC 613.888:615.256

Milena Veljković
Health Centre, Niš
E-mail: milica.veljkovic@gmail.com

Summary. There is a need for long-acting birth control methods. Copper-bearing intrauterine contraceptive devices do not have systemic side effects and they are appropriate for parous women who have no excess menstrual flow or cramps at baseline and who have low risk for sexually transmitted infections. Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine systems release levonorgestrel directly into uterine cavity. The hormone is mainly concentrated into endometrium but some amount is quickly absorbed into systemic circulation. Most women who use this system will experience a decrease in menstrual blood loss and pain with increase in serum hemoglobin and ferritin levels. During first few months of use some of them will be amenorrhoic or will have unscheduled erratic menstrual bleeding. The levonorgestrel intrauterine system may be a therapeutic option for women with idiopathic menorrhagia or with some inherited bleeding disorders. It provides endometrial protection for women receiving estrogen replacement therapy during menopause or from over stimulation by their own unopposed estrogens.
Key words: Intrauterine contraceptive devices, non-contraceptive effects

Kratak sadržaj: Postoji potreba za dugodelujućim kontraceptivnim metodama. Bakarni intrauterini ulošci nemaju sistemske sporedne efekte i pogodni su za žene multipare koje nemaju obilne ili bolne menstruacije i koje su sa  niskim rizikom za pojavu polnoprenosive infekcije. Levonorgestrel intrauterini sistemi osloba|aju hormon levonorgestrel direktno u kavum uterusa ali se mala količina brzo resorbuje u sistemsku cirkulaciju. Većina korisnica ovog sistema ima oskudniju i manje bolnu menstruaciju uz sklonost ka povećanju nivoa hemoglobina i feritina u krvi. Neke žene tokom prvih meseci primene su amenoroične ili imaju oskudno produženo krvavljenje. Levonorgestrel intrauterini sistem može biti terapijska opcija za žene sa idiopatskim metroragijama ili sa nekim naslednim poremećajima u koagulaciji krvi. Štiti endometrijum u toku primene estrogene supstitucione terapije tokom menopauze i od hiperstimulacije njenih vlastitih estrogena u uslovima nedostatka progesterona.
Ključne reči: Intrauterini kontraceptivni uložak, nekontraceptivni efekti