Vol.14, No 1, 2007 pp. 30 - 37
UC 616.89-008.44:618.5-089.888.61

Dragan Krstić1, Sonja Pop-Trajković2, Ljiljana Mirković3, Darko Marinković4, Jelena Krstić5
1General Hospital Leskovac, Department of Gynecology with Perinatology, Serbia
2Clinical Center Niš, Clinic of Gynecology with Obstretrics, Serbia
3Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Institute of Gynecology with Obstretrics, Serbia
4General Hospital Uzice, Department of Gynecology with Obstetrics, Serbia
5General Hospital Leskovac, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Serbia
E-mail: adela@ptt.yu

Summary. The aim ot the paper is to prove a birth adaptation to the quality of life of a pregnant woman by the influence of prenatal stress on variability of biological pregnancy duration. We investigated: the incidence of cesarean section (SC), findings on admission in women with previous SC and duration of gravidic amenorrhea before, during and after the bombardment, as well as the low quality of life during which pregnant women were exposed to stress. The data were collected retrospectively from disease histories in Obstetric Department of the General Hospital in Leskovac. This hospital has the only Maternity Ward to which 250.000 inhabitants of the Jablanica District at the South of Serbia gravitate, in which about 2300 births are registered out per year. The study included 1448 births in the period from March 24 – June 9, 1999, the year before, and one year after the NATO aggression against the FR of Yugoslavia. The data were statistically processed by the x2 and Kolgomorov-Smirnov tests and graphically presented by Microsoft Excel Program. The incidence of SC significantly decreased, while the incidence of vaginal births after previous SC increased during the period of bombardment compared to the same period in the previous and the next year. The finding on admission in pregnant women with previous SC and time of birth compared to the due date of delivery point to an earlier spontaneous birth beginning (biologically shorter pregnancy duration) as the cause this phenomenon. The mechanism of prenatal stress shortens the biological pregnancy duration and, therewith, makes the delivery of a pregnant woman with low life quality quicker, easier and more safe with fewer indications for SC.
Key words: Pregnancy, cesarean section, war, stress, adaptation

Kratak sadržaj: Cilj rada je da dokaže adaptaciju porođaja na kvalitet života u okruženju trudnice, uticajem prenatalnog stresa na varijabilnost biološkog trajanja trudnoće. Metodologija i izbor pacijenata: Istraživani su učestalost carskog reza (sc), nalaz na prijemu u porodilište kod trudnica sa prethodnim sc i dužina trajanja gravidarne amenoreje pre, tokom i posle bombardovanja, kao perioda niskog kvaliteta života u kome su trudnice bile izložene stresu. Podaci su prikupljeni retrospektivno iz istorija bolesti akušerskog odeljenja opšte bolnice u Leskovcu. U ovoj bolnici nalazi se jedino porodilište za 250.000 stanovnika Jablaničkog okruga na jugu Srbije u kome se obavi oko 2300 porođaja godišnje. Studija uključuje 1448 porođaja u periodu 24. mart – 9. jun, godinu dana pre, tokom i godinu dana posle NATO bombardovanja Jugoslavije 1999-e godine. Podaci su statistički obrađeni 2 i Kolgomorov-Smirnovim testom i prikazani grafički korišćenjem programa Microsoft Excel. Rezultati i diskusija: Učestalost sc značajno pada, a vaginalnih porođaja posle prethodnog sc (VBAC) raste tokom bombardovanja u odnosu na isti period prethodne i naredne godine. Nalaz na prijemu u porodilište kod trudnica sa prethodnim sc i vreme porođaja u odnosu na očekivani datum ukazuju na raniji spontani početak terminskog porođaja (biološki kraće trajanje trudnoće) kao uzrok ove pojave. Zaključak: Mehanizmi prenatalnog stresa skraćuju biološko trajanje trudnoće i time porođaj trudnice sa niskim kvalitetom života čine bržim, lakšim i bezbednijim sa manje indikacija za SC.
Ključne reči: Trudnoća, carski rez, rat, stres, adaptacija