Vol.13, No 3, 2006 pp. 172 - 176
UC 618.3:618.11-006

Mileva Milosavljević, Milan Stefanović, Ranko Kutlešić, Predrag Vukomanović, Aleksandra Andrić
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Clinical Center Niš, Serbia

Summary. The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PSOS) is the commonest cause of anovulatory infertility. Matformin is effective in the treatment of PCOS- related anovulation. Metformin is an oral biguanide, well established for the treatment of hyperglycemia. Preliminary evidence indicates that metformin may also be effective in decreasing the risk of early spontaneous abortion in women with PCOS. The aim of the study was to determine whether metformin would safely reduce the rate of first trimester spontaneous abortion in this women and increase the number of live birth without teratogenicity. We assessed 3 oligo-amenorrheic non-diabetic women with PCOS and previously early spontaneous abortion who conceived while taking metformin and continued it throughout pregnancy. They were prospectively assessed. Outcome measures included first trimester spontaneous abortion, normal ongoing pregnancies ?13 weeks, live birth, birthweight and height. Results: 3 women had 3 healthy neonatuses. Conclusion: While safety during pregnancy has not been established, three women who conceived on and continued metformin through pregnancy have delivered normal babies. This study found that the abortion was reduced when metformin was used for ovulation induction before pregnancy (1 woman) and continued throughout the pregnancy (2 women): 3 month (1 woman) and during entire pregnancy (1 woman). Our data showed a decreases risk of first trimester spontaneous abortion compared with previous pregnancies in the same women not on metformin. Pregnancy outcomes did not differ in women who stopped metformin after conception and at the end of the first or third trimester pregnancy. Newborn outcomes were good in all three women, with normal growth and Apgar Score. The study found no evidence of any adverse clinical effects on the mother or the newborn when metformin is continued through first trimester and entire pregnancy. Our cases highlights the importance of PCOS diagnosis in the management women with previously first trimester spontaneous abortion.
Key words: PCOS, early spontneous abortion, metformin,  pregnancy outcome

Kratak sadržaj: Sindrom policisticnih ovarijuma je čest uzrok anovulatornog infertiliteta. Metformin je efikasan u tretmanu anovulacije povezane sa sindromom policističnih ovarijuma. Metformin je oralni bigvanid, dobro afirmisan u tretmanu hiperglikemije. Preliminarni podaci indiciraju da metformin može biti takodje efikasan i u sniženju rizika od ranih spontanih pobačaja kod žena sa sindromom policističnih ovarijuma. Cilj studije bio je da  proceni da li metformin može sigurno da redukuje stopu  pobačaja u  prvom tromesečju trudnoće u ovih žena i da poveća broj živo rođenih bez anomalija. Tri oligo-amenoroične nedijabetične žene sa sindromom policističnih ovarijuma i prethodnim ranim spontanim pobačajima začele su na metforminu i nastavile su da ga koriste tokom trudnoće. Praćene su prospektivno. Procena ishoda uključivala je spontane abortuse u prvom tromesečju, normalne trudnoće u toku starije od 13 nedelja, živo rodjene, težinu i dužinu na rođenju.  Tri žene  rodile su tri zdrava neonatusa. Iako sigurnost metformina za vreme trudnoće još nije dobro ispitana, tri žene koje su začele na metforminu i nastavile da ga koriste tokom trudnoće rodile su zdrave bebe. Ova studija je našla da  do redukcije stope pobačaja dolazi kada se metformin koristi za indukciju ovulacije pre trudnoće i nastavlja tokom trudnoće (3 meseca, ili tokom cele trudnoće). Naši podaci ukazuju na sniženje rizika od spontanih pobačaja u prvom tromesecju trudnoće, u komparaciji sa prethodnim trudnoćama u istih žena, kada nisu bile na terapiji metforminom. Ishod trudnoće nije se razlikovao kod žene koja je stopirala metformin nakon ovulacije, na kraju prvog, ili trećeg  tromesečja trudnoće. Studija nije našla dokaze za  nepovoljne kliničke efekte na majku ili fetus kada je metformin nastavljen tokom prvog tromesečja ili  čitave  trudnoće. Naši slučajevi ukazuju na  značaj PCOS dijagnoze u vodjenju žena sa prethodnim spontanim pobačajima u prvom tromesečju trudnoće.
Ključne reči: sindrom policističnih ovarijuma, rani spontani pobačaji, metformin, ishod trudnoće