Vol.13, No 2, 2006 pp. 90 - 93
UC 616.361:618.2

Dragojlo Gmijović1, Miroslav Stojanović1, Milan Radojković1, Ljiljana Jeremić1, Zlatko Širić2
1Surgical Clinic, Clinical Center, Niš, Serbia
2Radiology Institute, Clinical Center, Niš, Serbia

Summary. Choledochal cyst is congenital dilatation of the biliary tract, present primarily in infants. This condition in pregnancy is very rare, and the clinical manifestations are nonspecific and variable. In late pregnancy, the symptoms may exacerbate due to hormonal effects and the compression of the common bile duct by the enlarging uterus. The need for urgent therapy of the complications associated with danger of exposing the mother and fetus to surgical operation and ionizing radiation, always represent a therapeutic challenge to surgeons. Step-by-step treatment of complicated choledochal cyst in pregnancy must be carefully planned, once the diagnosis is established, in order to avoid complication during pregnancy. Definitive surgical management of the choledochal cyst should be delayed until the patient's general physiological condition becomes normal after elective cesarean section. We reported our experience in managing a case of choledochal cyst in pregnant patients, complicated with cholangitis and review the literature regarding choledochal cyst in pregnancy.
Key words: Choledochal cyst, pregnancy, cholangitis

Kratak sadržaj: Holedohalna cista predstavlja kongenitalnu dilataciju bilijarnog stabla koja se uglavnom javlja kod novorođenčadi. Ovo stanje u trudnoći je veoma retko sa nespecifičnim i promenljivim kliničkim manifestacijama. U kasnijoj trudnoći može doći do egzacerbacije tegoba usled hormonskih efekata i kompresije glavnog žučnog voda uvećanim uterusom. Potreba za urgentnom hirurškom terapijom komplikacija povezana sa opasnošću od izlaganja majke i fetusa hirurškoj intervenciji i jonizujućem zračenju, uvek predstavlja terapijski izazov za hirurga. "Step by step" lečenju komplikovane holedohalne ciste u trudnoći mora biti pažljivo isplanirano čim se pojavi dijagnoza, da bi se izbegle komplikacije tokom trudnoća. Definitivno hirurško lečenje holedohalne ciste treba odložiti dok opšte fiziološko stanje pacijenta ne postane normalno nakon elektivnog carskog reza. Saoštili smo naše iskustvo u tretmanu slučaja holedohalne ciste kod trudnica, komplikovanih olangitisom i dali pregled literature u vezi holedohalne ciste u trudnoći.
Ključne reči:   holedohalna cista, trudnoća, holangitis