Vol.13, No 2, 2006 pp. 78 - 83
UC 616.132.2

Svetlana Apostolović1, Zoran Perišić1, Vladan Ćosić2, Ivana Stojanović3, Miloje Tomašević1
1Clinic of Cardiology, Clinical Centre, Niš, Serbia
2Centre for Medical Biochemistry, Clinical Centre, Niš, Serbia
3Institute of Biochemistry , Medical Faculty, Niš, Serbia
 E-mail: sapos@sbb.co.yu

Summary. Literature data about oxidative stress in percutaneous coronary interventions are still controversial. The intensity of oxidative stress depends on the extent of ischemia, the degree of endothelial damage and, also on the possibility of antioxidant protection. The aim of this study was to determine the point at which the oxidative stress reaches its maximum height and the point of oxidative balance restoration after the stent implantation.The research included 22 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) (aged 51 ą 4 years), who have undergone coronary angiography, with the indication for implantation of one stainless steel stent of the length of 12-18 mm. Diabetic patients were excluded. Blood samples for analysis were taken immediately before and after stent implantation as well as 6, 12, 24, and 72 hours after stent implantation. We have analyzed the parameters of free radical production – lipid peroxides (Lp) and xanthine oxidase - (XO) and catalase, as the enzyme of antioxidant defense. All parameters were determined in blood samples of 30 healthy persons at the same time. The results have shown that in patients with coronary artery disease there was a high level of oxidative stress before stent implantation compared to control group of healthy ones (CG) (XO: CG  3.92 ą 0.88 vs. CAD 17.6 ą 1.28, p < 0.001), MDA (malondialdehyde) in plasma of CG 8.29 ą 1.66 vs. CAD 10.39 ą 2.56 NS. There was no  significant difference in catalase (CAT) activity between patient group before stent implantation and CG. The parameters of oxidative stress showed a slight increase immediately after the stent implantation, while the activity of catalase increased significantly. The values of prooxidant parameters normalized 72 hours after stent implementation. In patients with coronary heart disease, there is an intensive oxidative stress before stent implantation, which shows a slight temporary increase after stent implantation. It has no statistical significance. On the other hand, a significant increase of the catalase activity has been noticed after stent implantation, which indicates the activation of anti oxidant defence system. The values of oxidative stress parameters approach the values of those of the control group, 72 hours after stent implantation.
Key words: Oxidative stress, coronary stent

Kratak sadržaj: Literaturni podaci o oksidativnom stresu u perkutanim koronarnim intervencijama su jos uvek kontroverzni. Stepen oksidativnog stresa zavisi od težine ishemije, intenziteta oštećenja endotela, ali i od mogućnosti antioksidativne zastite. Cilj našeg istrazivanja je bio da pokažemo kada je oksidativni stress najveći i kada se uspostavlja pro/antioksidativna ravnoteža nakon ugradnje koronarnog stenta. Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćena 22 bolesnika (starosti 51 ą 4 godine)  kojima je postavljena indikacija, na osnovu prethodno uradjene koronarografije, za ugradnju jednog stenta od nerđajućeg čelika, dužine 12-18 mm. U grupi nije bilo dijabetičara. Krv za analizu je uzimana neposredno pre i nakon implantacije stenta, 6, 12, 24 i 72 časa od ugradnje stenta. Analizirani su parametri produkcije slobodnih radikala – lipidni peroksidi (Lp) i ksantin oksidaza (XO) i katalaza, kao enzim antioksidativne zaštite. Ujedno su isti parametri dobijeni iz krvi 30 zdravih osoba. Rezultati pokazuju da pre ugradnje stenta postoji visok oksidativni stress u   koronarnih bolesnika (KB) u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu zdravih (KG) (KG : XO 3,92 ą 0,88 vs KB XO 17,6 ą 1,28, p < 0,001), MDA (malondialdehid) u plazmi KG 8,29 ą 1,66 vs KB 10,39 ą 2.56 NS. Ujedno postoji neznačajno viša aktivnost katalaze (KAT) pre ugradnje stenta  vs KG. Neposredno nakon ugradnje stenta neznačajno su povećani parametri oksidativnog stresa, ali je zato značajno povišena aktivnost katalaze. Vrednosti prooksidativnih parametra se normalizuju 72 sata nakon implantacije stenta. U uslovima koronarne bolesti, pre ugradnje stenta, postoji intenzivni oksidativni stres. Nakon ugradnje stenta nastaje prolazno, blago povećanje oksidativnog stresa, koje statistički nije značajno. S druge strane, zapaženo je značajno povećanje aktivnosti katalaze nakon ugradnje stenta, što ukazuje na aktivaciju sistema antioksidativne zaštite. Vrednosti parametara oksidativnog stresa se približavaju vrednostima u kontrolnoj grupi 72 sata nakon ugradnje stenta.
Ključne reči: oksidativni stres, koronarni stent