Vol.13, No 1, 2006 pp. 58 - 64
UC 37.046:613.88:314.33.6
Olivera Radulović1, Čedomir
Šagrić2, Aleksandar Višnjić1,
Ana Tasić2, Roberta Marković2
1University of Niš, Faculty of
2Public Health Institute, Niš
E-mail: izzz-nis@bankerinter.net
Summary. Family planning is part of the entire demographic and
population policy of each country and the planet as a whole. The aim of
our study was to assess the influence of education level on the state
of knowledge about contraception and family planning and the methods
used for family planning. The study included 1,584 women, aged 15-49,
living in the Municipality of Niš: 98 with primary education, 1,088
with secondary education, and 398 with a higher degree. Most of the
interviewees with a higher degree gave the best definition of
contraception. Most of the interviewees reported that their source of
information about contraception were newspapers and electronic media.
The interviewees mostly choose a condom as the most efficient method of
contraception. One third of the women with primary education estimate
their knowledge as unsatisfactory, which makes the highest percentage.
The women with primary education use less protection from unwanted
pregnancy than women with secondary and higher degree. The greatest
number of women who choose traditional methods of contraception comes
from the group of interviewees with primary education. The interviewees
who use contraception mostly choose the method by themselves, without
consulting a professional. The greatest number of interviewees with
intentionally interrupted pregnancies has primary education. The state
of knowledge about contraception, family planning, and methods for
family planning in women with primary education is not satisfactory.
Key words: Women, family
planning, contraception, education level
Kratak sadržaj: Planiranje porodice predstavlja deo ukupne
demografske i populacione politike svake zemlje pa i planete u celini.
Cilj istraživanja je sagledavanje uticaja nivoa obrazovanja na znanje o
planiranju porodice i korišćenje metoda za planiranje porodice.
Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 1584 žena starosti 15-49 godina koje žive
na teritoriji opštine Niš i to: 98 sa nižom stručnom spremom, 1088 sa
srednjom i 398 sa višom i visokom stručnom spremom. Pojam kontracepcije
najbolje definišu ispitanice sa višom i visokom školom. Kao izvor
znanja o kontracepciji najveći broj ispitanica navodi novine i medije.
Ispitanice su se u najvećem broju opredelile za kondom kao
najefikasnije kontraceptivno sredstvo. Kao nedovoljno, svoje znanje u
najvećem procentu ocenjuju žene sa niskom stručnom spremom. Zaštitu od
neželjene trudnoće, žene sa niskom stručnom spremom koriste mnogo manje
nego žene sa srednjom i visokom. Za korišćenje tradicionalnih metoda
kontracepcije odlučio se najveći broj ispitanica sa nižom stručnom
spremom. Ispitanice koje koriste kontracepciju se za određen metod
uglavnom odlučuju svojevoljno, bez konsultacije sa drugima. Namerne
prekide trudnoće imalo je najviše ispitanica sa nižom stručnom spremom.
Znanje o planiranju porodice i korišćenje metoda za planiranje porodice
kod žena sa nižim obrazovanjem je nezadovoljavajuće.
Ključne reči: Žene, planiranje
porodice, kontracepcija, nivo obrazovanja