Vol.13, No 1, 2006 pp. 36 - 43
UC 616.314.3-089.23

Mirjana Janošević1, Gordana Filipović1, Saša Stanković2, Olivera Tričković Janjić3
1Clinic of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthodontics, Niš, Serbia
2Clinic of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Prosthetics, Niš, Serbia
3Clinic of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry Niš, Serbia

Summary. The size of teeth is one of the crucial factors affecting occlusion formation. In the occurrence of the crowding of dental strings, the size of teeth has a significant role. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the size of permanent frontal teeth (bicuspids) on the appearance of the crowding of the frontal segment of dental strings. The study included 140 subjects, aged 15-20 years. All the examinees were divided into two groups. The first group comprised 90 subjects (39 males and 51 females) who had marked symptoms of crowding, especially in the frontal segment. The second group comprised 50 subjects (20 males and 30 females) with normal occlusion. The measurement was performed using a digital nonius, 0.01mm of accuracy. The following parameters were examined: mesiodistal (MD) and vestibulolingual (VL) diameter of the maxillary and mandibular incisors. The index of the crown of the tooth was calculated using the formula MD-VL x 100. The results of the study show that males have significantly wider teeth both in the upper and the lower jaw. The same results were obtained for subjects with crowding and subjects with normal occlusion. The vestibulolingual diameter of the maxillary and mandibular incisors in subjects with normal occlusion is greater in males. The vestibulolingual diameter of permanent incisors in subjects with crowding shows a sex-related dimorphism only with lateral incisors in the upper jaw. A statistically significant difference at a lower level of significance of the tooth crown index for upper incisors was observed in females, while the index of the crown of lateral incisors in the lower jaw did not show significant sex-related differences.
Key words: Tooth size, incisors, crowding

Kratak sadržaj: Veličina zuba je jedan od bitnih faktora koji utiče na formiranje okluzije. U nastanku teskobe zubnih nizova veličina zuba ima značajnu ulogu. Cilj ispitivanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj veličine stalnih sekutića na nastanak teskobe frontalnog segmenta zubnih nizova. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 140 osoba starosti od 15-20 godina. Svi ispitanici su podeljeni u dve grupe. Prva grupa obuhvata 90 osoba (39 muškog i 51 ženskog pola) sa izraženim simptomima teskobe naročito u frontalnom segmentu. Druga grupa obuhvata 50 osoba (20 muškog i 30 ženskog pola) sa normalnom okluzijom. Merenja su obavljena pomoću digitalnog nonijusa sa preciznošću 0,01 mm. Ispitivani su sledeći parametri: meziodistalni (MD) i vestibulolingvalni (VL) promer maksilarnih i mandibularnih sekutića. Indeks krune zuba izračunat je formulom MD-VL x 100. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da  osobe muškog pola imaju šire zube na visokom nivou  značajnosti i u gornjoj i u donjoj vilici, kako kod osoba sa teskobom tako i kod osoba sa normalnom okluzijom. Vestibulolingvalni promer maksilarnih i mandibularnih sekutića kod osoba sa normalnom okluzijom veći je kod osoba muškog pola. Vestibulolingvalni promer stalnih sekutića kod osoba sa teskobom pokazuje polni dimorfizam samo kod lateralnih sekutića u gornjoj vilici u korist osoba muškog pola. Postoji  statistički značajna  razlika na niskom nivou značajnosti indeksa krune gornjih sekutića u korist osoba ženskog pola dok indeks krune  donjih lateralnih sekutića ne pokazuje značajne polne razlike.
Ključne reči: Veličina zuba, sekutići, teskoba, normalna okluzija