Vol.13, No 1, 2006 pp. 32 - 35
UC 616-022.854(497.17 Skoplje)
Snežana Milkovska1, Jovanka
Kradžinska Bislimovska1, Vlado
Snežana Risteska-Kuc1, Jordan
1Institute of Occupational Health - WHO
Collaborating Center, Skopje, R. Macedonia
2Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural
Science and Mathematic, Skopje, R. Macedonia
E-mail: milkovska_s@yahoo.com
Summary. Allergic diseases of airways, caused by Betula pollen,
represent a considerable clinical problem in up to 10-20 % of the
population in Northern and Central Europe. The analysis of specific IgE
antibody by RIDA Screen Allergy-test, conducted by the Department of
Allergy, Institute of Occupational Health, WHO Collaborating Center,
Skopje, in patients with indication of allergy problem, shows that
Betula pollen is the most significant allergen (19%) compared to other
tree pollens in R. Macedonia. To prevent the appearance of the
symptoms, physicians need precise and early information on the
pollination data of the major allergenic species. The aim of this study
was to determine characteristics and occurrence of Betula pollen in
Skopje atmosphere, based on a 3-year observation (2003–2005), and to
compare pollen season start dates calculated by different methods.
Pollen samples were collected using the Hirst volumetric method with a
7-day LANZONI VPPS 2000 sampler. Two–hour counts were used to establish
diurnal periodicity with one transverse traverse of the slide being
counted every two hours, and the appropriate factor applied. Three
methods (Sum 75, 30 and 1 pg/m3) were used for determination of the
start dates of the Betula pollen season and the results were compared.
The total annual pollen sum increased during the observed period. In
2003, 2004 and 2005, the highest daily pollen concentrations were 97,
460 and 131 pg/m3, respectively. The earliest Betula pollen season
starts were calculated by the 1 pg/m3 method.
Key words: Betula, pollen,
pollen season, pollen allergy, Skopje
Kratak sadržaj: Alergijske bolesti disajnih puteva uzrokovani
polenom breze predstavljaju značajan klinički problem obuhvatajući
10-20% populacije Severne i Centralne Evrope. Rezultati Centra za
alergiju Instituta za medicinu rada, SZO Kolaborativnog centra u Skopju
u odredjivanju specifičnog IgE metodom RIDA Allergy Screen ukazuju da
je oko 19% osoba sa respiratornim alergijskim manifestacijama
senzibilisano na polen breze. Precizne i blagovremene informacije o
periodu polinacije najvažnijih alergogenih biljaka neophodne su za
prevenciju simptoma. Cilj ovog rada je odredjivanje početka i drugih
karakteristika sezone polena breze u atmosferi Skopja u periodu
2003-2005 primenom različitih metoda. Skupljanje polenskih primeraka
izvedeno je volumetrijskim metodom, a korišćen je LANZONI VPSS 2000
sempler. Dnevni periodicitet bio je odredjen rezultatima dvočasovnih
merenja i korigovan odgovarajućim faktorom korekcije. Tri metoda (Sum
75, 30 i 1 pg/m3) su primenjena za odredjivanje početka polenske sezone
sa komparacijom dobijenih rezultata. Naši rezultati ukazuju na
povećanje ukupne godišnje polenske sume u ispitivanom periodu. Najveće
dnevne polenske koncentracije u 2003, 2004 i 2005 bile su 97, 460 i 131
pg/m3. Najraniji početak polenske sezone bio je odredjen metodom 1
Ključne reči: Breza, polen,
polenska sezona, polenska alergija, Skopje