Vol.13, No 1, 2006 pp. 1 - 5
UC 611.13
Aleksandra Vuksanović1, Sladjana Ugrenović2,
Ivan Jovanović2
1Medical School, University of
Montenegro, Podgorica
2Medical School, University of Niš, Serbia
E-mail: alexandrav2006@yahoo.com
Summary. Flaps represent segments of the skin and subcutaneous
tissue, fascia, muscles or bones, with their own vascular net on a
particular vascular stalk. For a successful usage of a flap, it is
necessary to know its vascular net, as well as the areas supplied by
its vascular stalk. The most frequently used flap for covering defects
in the groin, lower part of the abdomen, trochanter, gluteal and
ischiadicus region is the tensor fasciae latae. The muscle is short and
meaty only in its upper third, after which it descends as a broad tough
strip entering the iliotibial tract of the iliotibial fascia latae
Maissiat tract. The muscle is vascularized by the lateral circumflex
femoral artery, that is, by its ascending branch which, as a single
dominant branch, enters the muscle through its medial side. The lateral
circumflex femoral artery is the lateral branch of the deep femoral
artery which is the largest lateral branch of the femoral artery. The
dominant vascular stalk enters deep structures 8-10 cm beneath the
anterior superior iliac spine. The knowledge of the vascular net and
vascular stalk characteristics of the tensor fasciae latae has an
exceptional significance in plastic and reconstructive surgery as it
can help prevent flap necrosis during its usage for defect
reconstruction and covering. Therefore, the knowledge of the lateral
circumflex femoral artery origin and its branches is of a great
importance in successful planning and clinical application of this flap.
Key words: Flap, tensor fasciae
latae, vascularization
Kratak sadržaj: Režnjevi predstavljaju segmente kože i potkožnog
tkiva, fascije, mišića ili kosti, koji imaju svoju vaskularnu mrežu na
određenoj vaskularnoj peteljci. Da bi se režanj uspješno koristio
neophodno je poznavanje njegove vaskularne mreže, kao i površine koju
vaskularizuje vaskularna peteljka. Režanj koji se najčešće koristi u
prepokrivanju defekata u preponi, donjoj polovini trbuha, trohanternoj,
glutealnoj i ishijadičnoj regiji je mišić zatezač fascije buta
(m.tensor fasciae latae). Mišić je kratak i mesnat samo u gornjoj
trećini, da bi se dalje nastavio jakom žilastom trakom koja ulazi u
sastav bedreno-golenjačnog snopa butne fascije (tractus iliotibialis
fasciae latae Maissiati). Vaskularizacija mišića potiče od spoljašnje
polukružne butne arterije (a.circumfexa femoris lateralis), odnosno
njene ascedentne grane (ramus ascendens), koja kao pojedinačno
dominantna grana ulazi kroz medijalnu stranu u mišić. Spoljašnja
polukružna butna arterija (a.circumfexa femoris lateralis) je bočna
grana duboke butne arterije (a.profunda femoris), koja je najveća bočna
grana butne arterije (a.femoralis). Dominantna vaskularna peteljka
ulazi u duboke strukture 8-10 cm ispod prednje gornje bedrene bodlje.
Poznavanje vaskularne mreže i karakteristika vaskularne peteljke režnja
m.TFL ima izuzetan značaj u plastičnoj i rekonstruktivnoj hirurgiji, a
u cilju prevencije nekroze režnja prilikom njegovog korišćenja za
rekonstrukcije i prepokrivanje defekata. Stoga je, poznavanje načina
nastanka a.CFL i njenih grana, od velikog značaja za uspješno
planiranje i kliničku primjenu ovog režnja.
Ključne reči: Režanj, m. tensor
fasciae latae, vaskularizacija