Vol.12, No 3, 2005 pp. 179 - 184
UC 616.72
Andjelka Hedrih1, Aleksandra
Stanković2, Bojana Stamenković2
Faculty, Belgrade
2Institute for Prevention and Treatment of
Rheumatic and Cardiovascular Diseases, Niška Banja,
Serbia and Montenegro
Summary. Repetitive micro-trauma is one of the causes of
osteoarthrosis. The aim of our study was to determine if repetitive
micro-trauma caused by prolonged use of a keyboard or a mechanical
typewriter is associated with the increase in degenerative changes in
the hand and cervical joints. We studied a sample of people of over 40
years of age, who have been working on a keyboard or a mechanical
typewriter for at least 10 years. A clinical and radiological
evaluation of the degree of osteoarthrosis of the hands and the neck
spine was done according to the Kellgren-Lawrence grade; CRP and ESR
were used as laboratory markers of secondary inflammation in
osteoarthrosis. We also used some demographic and epidemiological data.
We did a prospective study with 30 examinees, average age 47 years (SD
4.77), average effective working hours 8.88 (SD 6.59). The average
usage of the keyboard was 18.71 years (SD 6.59). We found that the
clinical degree of osteoarthrosis on distal interfalangeal joints (DIP)
is in correlation with age (r = 0.516, p = 0.05) and years of working
(r = 0.459, p = 0.05). The radiological grade of osteoarthrosis on DIP
and proximal interfalangeal joints (PIP) are associated (r = 0.835, p =
0.01). We found no significant association with effective day working
hours and the clinical and radiological grade of osteoarthrosis of DIP
and PIP hand joints. The radiologically determined cervical
osteoarthrosis grade is significantly higher than that of DIP (p =
0.004) and PIP (p = 0.035) joints of the hands.
Key words: Osteoosteoarthrosis, hands, keyboard, cervical spine
Kratak sadržaj: Jedan od uzročnih faktora artroze je ponovljena
mikrotrauma. Cilj našeg rada bio je da se utvrdi povezanost ponovljene
mikrotraume kod višečasovne, višegodišnje upotrebe tastature računara
i/ili mehaničke mašine za kucanje sa stepenom artroze na proksimalnim
interfalangealnim (PIP) i distalnim interfalangealnim (DIP) zglobovima
šaka i cervikalknoj kičmi.
Kriterijumi za izbor ispitanika bili su uzrast preko 40 godina i
upotrebe tastature mašine za kucanje i/ili računara najmanje 10 god.
Vršena je klinička i radiološka procena stadijuma artroze šaka po
Kelgren-u i Lawrenc-u, kao i klinička i radiološka zahvaćenost vratne
kičme. CRP i SE su korišćeni kao labaratoriski markeri sekundarne
inflamacije u artrozi. Ostali demografski i epidemiološki podaci
dobijeni su putem upitnika posebno sačinjenim za ovu priliku.
Ispitano je 30 ispitanika prosečne starosti 47 (SD 4,77) god, prosečnog
broja dnevnih efektivnih radnih sati 8. 88 (SD 6,59). Ispitanici u
proseku koriste tastaturu 18.71 (SD 6,59) god.
Ispitivanjem smo ustanovili da klinički stadijum na DIP zglobovima
korelira sa godinama starosti (r=0,516, p=0,05) i dužinom radnog staža
(r = 0,459, p = 0,5). Postoji korelacija između radiološkog stadijuma
na PIP i DIP zglobovima šaka (r = 0,835, p = 0,01). Ne postoji
statistički značajna korelacija između prosečnih dnevnih efektivnih
radnih sati i kliničkog i radiološkog stepena artroze na PIP i DIP
zglobovima šaka. Radiolološki stadijum artroze vratne kičme je
statistički značajno veći od radiološkog stepena artroze na DIP (p =
0,004) i PIP (p = 0,035) zglobovima šaka.
Naša ispitivanja pokazala su veći radiološki stepen artroze vratne
kičme u odnosu na stepena artroze šaka kod ispitaika koji više godina
koriste tastaturu.
Ključne reči: Artroza, šake, tastatura, vratna kičma