Vol.12, No 3, 2005 pp. 164 - 169
UC 616-006:611.93-053.2-073

Sladjana Petrović¹, Dragan Petrović², Zoran Pešić², Predrag Kovačević3
1Institute of Radiology, Clinical Centre, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
2Clinic of Stomatology, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
3Clinic of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Clinical Centre, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
  E-mail: spetrovic@bankerinter.net

Summary.  Congenital neck masses in children are a relatively frequent finding. To the clinicians, they may pose various diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas and high-resolution sonography is therefore a method of choice. Differential diagnosis of paediatric congenital neck masses primarily includes the presence of hemangioma, lymphangioma, thyreoglossal and branchial cleft cysts. The aim of this paper is to examine the ability of echosonography in differential diagnosis of various congenital neck masses in children and to determine the efficacy and significance of echosonography in preoperative patient preparation. Patients and methods: The investigation enrolled 53 paediatric patients with palpable masses in the neck, who have been examined by high-resolution sonography and color doppler sonography before surgical treatment. CT and MRI, as intra-operative and histopathological findings, confirmed echosonographic diagnosis. Results: Our experience showed that sonography is a sensitive method in differential diagnosis of congenital neck masses in children. Conclusion: We recommend this method as an accurate, cost-effective, noninvasive imaging modality in the preoperative evaluation.
Key words: Congenital, neck masses, Doppler, sonography

Kratak sadržaj: Kongenitalne mase na vratu u dece su relativno čest nalaz. Mogu zadavati kliničarima dijagnostičke i terapeutske dileme, zbog čega se visokorezolutivna sonografija preporučuje kao metoda izbora. Diferencijalna dijagnoza kongenitalnih masa na vratu u dece primarno uključuje prisustvo hemangioma, limfangioma, tireoglosalnih i branhijalnih cističnih promena. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrditi mogućnost ehosonografije u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici različitih kongenitalnih masa na vratu u pedijatrijskih pacijenata, i odrediti efikasnost i značaj ehosonografije u preoperativnoj pripremi pacijenata. Ovo istraživanje obuhvata 53 pedijatrijska pacijenta sa palpabilnim masama na vratu,koji su bili podvrgnuti visokorezolutivnoj i color doppler sonografiji pre hirurškog tretmana. CT, MRI kao  intraoperativni i patohistološki nalazi potvrdili su ehosonografske dijagnoze. Preporučujemo ovu metodu kao senzitivan, jeftin,neinvazivan modalitet imaginga-a u preopertivnoj pripremi pacijenata.
Ključne reči: Kongenitalne mase vrata, Doppler, sonografija