Vol.12, No 3, 2005 pp. 140 - 145
UC 615.22:616.12+616.379-008.64


Todorka Savić1, Boris Đinđić1, Vladmila Bojanić1, Ružica Janković2, Goran Damnjanović3
1Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš
2Clinic of Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical Center, Niš
3Department of Internal Medicine, Military Hospital, Niš
  E-mail: boris_dj@yahoo.com

Summary.  Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the world. In 2001, total mortality in Serbia and Monte Negro due to CVD was 56%. Diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 is an important risk factor for CVD in both men and women. The aim of the study was to determine anti-inflammatory effects of statins therapy in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and DM type 2 by monitoring the markers of the systemic inflammatory response. 70 patients suffering from coronary artery disease associated with DM type 2 were analyzed. In order to assess the anti-inflammatory effect of anti-lipemic therapy the leukocyte count, albumin, fibrinogen, highly sensitive C reactive protein (hsCRP), vascular cells adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) and intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) concentration were determined in a group on statins and a group without statins therapy. Biomarkers of the systemic inflammatory response, except for the concentration of VCAM-1, were significantly higher in female compared to male patients in the group under lifestyle modification. In diabetics on statins therapy, this sex-related difference disappears and only the concentration of ICAM-1 remains significantly higher in female diabetics. A long-term statins therapy significantly reduces the concentration of hsCRP (30%) and increases albumin concentration (5%) when compared to the group with lifestyle modification. There was a sex-related effect of statins therapy. A more favorable effect of statins therapy was registered in female patients who had a higher risk for development of CAD and additional coronary events. Statins therapy exerts a significant anti-inflammatory effect in diabetics and, through decreasing hsCRP, has a great impact on reducing the risk for CAD.
Key words: Atherosclerosis, statins, coronary artery disease, diabetes

Kratak sadržaj: Kardiovaskularna oboljenja (KVB) u čijoj osnovi leži ateroskleroza, su najčešći uzrok smrti u svetu. U 2001. godini u Jugoslaviji je smrtnost od KVB iznosila 56%. Dijabetes melitus (DM) tip 2 je značajan faktor rizika za nastanak KVB, u oba pola. Cilj rada bio je određivanje antiinflamatornih efekata stainske terapije kod bolesnika sa koronarnom bolescu i DM tip 2, kroz praćenje pokazatelja sistemskog inflamatornog odgovora.
Analizirano je 70 bolesnika obolelih od koronarne bolesti sa DM tip 2. Da bi se odredio antiinflamatorni efekat hipolipemične terapije vršeno je određivanje broja leukocita, koncentracije albumina, fibrinogena, visoko senzitivnog-hsCRP i ćelijskih adhezionih molekula (vaskularni adhezioni molekul VCAM-1 i intracelularni adhezioni molekul ICAM-1) u grupama bolesnika na terapiji statinima i bez statina.
Biomarkeri sistemskog inflamatornog odgovora, osim koncentracije VCAM-1, bili su značajno viši kod žena u odnosu na muškarce u grupi sa higijensko dijetetskim režimom. U grupi na terapiji statinima ova polno uslovljena razlika se gubi i jedino koncentracija ICAM-1 ostaje značajno veća kod žena. Dugoročna primena statina dovodi do značajne redukcije koncentracije hsCRP (30%) i povećanja koncentracije albumina (5%) u odnosu na grupu bez statinske terapije.
Prisutan je znatno povoljniji efekat statinske terapije kod žena sa DM tip 2 koji dovodi do veće redukcije inflamatornih pokazatelja rizika za KVB na vrednosti slične onima nađenim kod muškaraca. Primena statinske terapije u bolesnika sa DM tip 2 anulira "višak" rizika koji postoji kod žena u odnosu na muškarce. Statini ispoljavaju značajan antiinflamatorni efekat u dijabetičara i smanjenjem koncentracije hsCRP značajno redukuju rizik za pojavu KVB.
Ključne reči: Ateroskleroza, statini, koronarna bolest, dijabetes