Vol.12, No 2, 2005 pp. 100 - 103
UC 616.31: 616.71-007

Ana Pejčić1, Draginja Kojović1, Ivana Grigorov2, Bojana Stamenković3
1Faculty of Medicine, Niš, Serbia
2Clinic of Stomatology, Niš, Serbia
3Institute for Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Rheumatic and Cardiovascular Diesases, Niška Banja, Serbia
  E-mail: pejca@eunet.yu

Summary. Periodontitis and osteoporosis are two diseases found in both male and female population worldwide. The main characteristic of the two diseases is their increased intensity with age. Periodontitis is associated with resorption of the alveolar bone. Osteoporosis, as the highest degree of osteopenia, is characterized by bone loss leading to structural bone transformation. The association between periodontitis and loss of the oral bone due to osteoporosis is continually being examined. The aim of the paper is to examine the condition of periodontal tissue in patients suffering from osteoporosis. Fifty patients were examined. The experimental group included 25 patients who were diagnosed with osteoporosis on the basis of the absolute and T-values. Clinical parameters for the evaluation of periodontal condition included plaque index, gingival index, hemorrhage index, periodontal index and tooth loss. The results showed a positive correlation between osteoporosis and tooth loss, while the clinical parameters showed significant differences between patients with osteoporosis and those without it. In conclusion, it can be said that osteoporosis has a significant role in development of periodontitis, as the loss of the oral bone due to osteoporosis can change the process of disease and contribute to a greater tooth loss. In this mutual relationship, some other factors affecting the two diseases should be considered. It is apparent that both diseases should be diagnosed as soon as possible and that it is necessary that a close cooperation between general practitioners and dentists is paramount to prevention and maintenance of optimal health of patients.
Key words: Periodontitis, resorption of bone tissue, osteoporosis

Kratak sadržaj: Parodontopatija i osteoporoza su dve bolesti koje se javljaju kod velikog broja svetske populacije, i ženskog i muškog pola, sa karakteristikom da se pojačavaju sa godinama starosti. Parodontopatija je praćena resorpcijom alveolarne kosti. Osteoporoza, kao najjači stepen osteopenije, karakteriše se gubitkom koštane mase, što dovodi do strukturne promene kosti. Veza između parodontopatije i gubitka oralne kosti zbog osteoporoze se stalno ispituje. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita stanje parodontalnih tkiva kod pacijenata sa osteoporozom i uporedi sa stanjem onih osoba koje ne boluju od osteoporoze. Ispitano je 50 pacijenata. Eksperimentalnu grupu od 25 osoba činili su pacijenti sa postavljenom dijagnozom osteoporoze na osnovu apsolutne vrednosti i T-vrednosti. Druga grupa od 25 osoba bila je kontrolna grupa sa Parodontopatijom kao jedinom dijagnozom. Od kliničkih parametara za procenu stanja parodonta određivan je plak indeks, gingivalni indeks, indeks krvarenja, parodontalni indeks i gubitak zuba. Rezultati su pokazali pozitivnu korelaciju između osteoporoze i gubitka zuba, dok ostali parametri nisu pokazivali značajnu razliku između pacijenata sa osteoporozom i onih bez osteoporoze. U zaključku se može reći da osteoporoza ima ulogu u razvoju parodontopatije jer gubitak oralne kosti kao rezultat osteoporoze može da menja proces bolesti i doprinese većem gubitku zuba. U ovoj uzročnoj vezi treba razmatrati i druge faktore koji mogu da utiču na ove dve bolesti. Jasno je da obe bolesti treba što pre otkriti i preventivno delovati uz usku saradnju lekara opšte medicine i stomatologa sa ciljem održavanja optimalnog zdravlja pacijenata.
Ključne reči: Parodontopatija, resorpcija koštanog tkiva, osteoporoza