Vol.12, No 2, 2005 pp. 85 - 88
UC 616.12-008.315-053.2

Lidija Kostić-Banović1, Radovan Karadžić1, Jovan Stojanović1, Goran Ilić1, Tatjana Stanković2
1The Institute for Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
2Paediatric Clinic, Clinical Center Niš, Serbia and Montenegro

Summary. Sudden cardiac death is defined as unexpected death from cardiac causes early after or without the onset of symptoms. Having in mind that acute myocarditis may be a rare cause of sudden cardiac death in children, we have undertaken the following study: clinical, macroscopical and histopathological characteristics of the myocardium of two autopsied children who died suddenly. A number of myocardial tissue specimens were fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. Laboratory sections were stained with HE, Van Gieson and PAS methods. The pathohistological features of viral and acute rheumatic myocarditis were found. Coronary arteries and valves were normal. Viruses are difficult to culture from myocardial tissue, but lymphocytic and monocytic infiltrates are histological markers of viral etiology and acute Aschoff bodies of rheumatic fever.
Key words: Viral myocarditis, rheumatoid myocarditis, children, morphology

Kratak sadržaj: Iznenadna srčana smrt se definiše kao neočekivana smrt srčanog porekla koja nastaje neposredno nakon ispoljene simptomatologije, ili bez pojave bilo kakvih simptoma. Imajući u vidu da akutni miokarditis može biti redak uzrok iznenadne srčane smrti kod dece, pratili smo kliničke, makroskopske i histopatološke promene miokarda kod dva autopsijska slučaja iznenada preminule dece. Fiksirani su brojni isečci srčano-mišićnog tkiva u formalinu i kalupljeni u parafin. Laboratorijski isečci su obojeni HE, Van Gieson i PAS metodom. Nadjene su patohistološke karakteristike akutnog virusnog i reumatoidnog miokarditisa. Nalaz na koronarnim arterijama i valvulama je bio normalan. Viruse je teško izolovati iz srčano-mišićnog tkiva, ali limfocitni i monocitni infiltrati su histološki markeri miokarditisa virusne etiologije, dok su Aschoff-ova tela markeri reumatske groznice.
Ključne reči: virusni miokarditis, reumatoidni miokarditis, deca, morfologija