Vol.12, No 2, 2005 pp. 61 - 69
UC 616.61

Rade Čukuranović, Slobodan Vlajković
Institute of Anatomy, Medical School, University of Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
E-mail: rade.c@EUnet.yu

Summary. Development of the human kidney begins at the end of the first month, and the kidney becomes functional in the course of the second month of antenatal life. In the last trimester, the fetal kidney already manifests first involutive changes. From then on to its adult maturity, the kidney is characterised by intensive processes of maturation, but also evident involutive changes. The dynamism of these changes, however, is different in certain life ages. The antenatal period is characterised by intensive processes of nephrogenesis, realised in three successive phases of renal development: pronephros, mesonephros, and metanephros. The first two changes represent a temporary system, while the third stands for a permanent system of excretion, that is, a definitive kidney. The functioning of kidneys, though not necessary in the antenatal stadium, indicates their excretory, homeostatic and endocrine roles, and signifies the maturation process. After birth, there is a further process of structural and functional maturation of the kidneys. With a definitive number of nephrones at birth, renal mass increases at the expense of growth of certain nephrone structures and interstitium. The kidney reaches its full anatomical and functional maturity by the end of the third decade of life. From then on, the kidney is characterised by involutive changes of varying intensity. By the end of the sixth decade these changes are slow; afterwards, to the end of life, they show a trend of very rapid progression, and are a consequence primarily of the reduced renal perfusion. In spite of that, under normal conditions they do not show signs of renal insufficiency even in a well-advanced age. The involutive renal changes can be separate, but they can coincide with corresponding renal diseases. In some individuals this can result in a progressive failure of renal functions in an advanced age.
Key words: Age, anatomy, function, human kidney

Kratak sadržaj: Razviće bubrega čoveka započinje krajem prvog, a njegove prve funkcije već u toku drugog meseca prenatalnog života. U zadnjem trimestru fetalni bubreg pokazuje i prve involutivne promene. Nadalje, sve do dostizanja adultnosti, bubreg karakterišu intenzivni procesi maturacije ali i evidentne involutivne promene. Dinamika ovih procesa se, međutim, razlikuje u pojedinim uzrasnim dobima. Prenatalni period karakterišu intenzivni procesi nefrogeneze, koji se ostvaruju kroz tri sukcesivne razvojne forme bubrega: pronefros, mezonefros i metanefros. Prve dve forme predstavljaju privremene, a treća trajni ekskretorni sistem, tj. definitivni bubreg. Funkcionisanje bubrega, iako nije neophodno u prenatalnom stadijumu, ukazuje na njihovu ekskretornu, homeostatsku i endokrinu ulogu i odraz je procesa sazrevanja. Po rođenju, bubrezi se odlikuju daljim procesima strukturne i funkcionalne maturacije. Sa, na rođenju, definitivnim brojem nefrona oni uvećavaju svoju masu na račun rasta pojedinih struktura nefrona i intersticijuma. Punu anatomsku i funkcionalnu zrelost bubreg dostiže krajem treće decenije života. Nadalje bubreg odlikuju involutivne promene različitog intenziteta. Do kraja šeste decenije ove promene su spore; potom, sve do kraja života imaju trend veoma ubrzane progresije i posledica su, pre svega, smanjene perfuzije bubrega. Uprkos tome, u normalnim uslovima i u najdubljoj starosti ne pokazuju znake funkcionalne insuficijencije. Involutivne promene na bubrezima mogu biti zasebne, a mogu se i superponirati sa odgovarajućim bubrežnim bolestima, što kod izvesnog broja osoba u poodmaklim godinama može dovesti do progresivnog gubitka bubrežnih funkcija.
Ključne reči: Uzrast, anatomija, funkcija, bubreg čoveka