Vol.12, No 1, 2005 pp. 44 - 46
UC 615.33

Slavica B. Ilić, Sandra S. Konstantinović, Zoran B. Todorović
Faculty of Technology, University of Niš, Leskovac, Serbia and Montenegro
E-mail: ilicslavica@ yahoo.com

Summary. Twenty different Streptomyces isolates were gained from the soils of Southeastern Serbia. Nine isolates showed a strong activity against Bortrytis cinerea, a parasite found in domestic vine. These isolates where extensively studied for their in vitro anti-microbial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and yeasts. The results indicated that obtained isolates were highly active against Bortrytis cinerea, Herpes simplex and Candida albicans with an inhibition zone at >= 31mm. Five of these isolates were identified as Streptomyces hygroscopicus (SH100, SH101, SH102, SH103, SH104). The UV spectra of the culture extracts for the active isolates showed absorbance peaks ranging between 221 and 240 nm. Two bioactive regions were detected on the TLC plate (Rf 0.70 and 0.88). The UV spectra of the active compounds in methanol showed peaks at 217 and 221nm.
Key words: Anti-microbial activity, antibiotics, Streptomyces

Kratak sadržaj: Dvadeset različitih izolata Streptomyces je dobijeno iz tla sa područja jugoistočne Srbije. Devet izolata pokazuje jaku aktivnost na Bortrytis cinerea, parazit nadjen u domaćem vinu. Ispitivana je antimikrobna aktivnost ovih izolata in vitro na Gram-pozitivne, Gram-negativne bakterije i gljive. Rezultati pokazuju da dobijeni izolati imaju veliku aktivnost na Bortrytis cinerea, Herpes simplex i Candida albicans sa zonama inhibicije >= 31 mm. Pet od ovih izolata su identifikovani kao Streptomyces hygroscopicus (SH100, SH101, SH102, SH103, SH104). UV spektri ekstrakta kulture za aktivne izolate pokazuju pik apsorbancije u oblasti izmedju 221 i 240 nm. Dva bioaktivna regiona su detektovana pomoću TLC (Rf  0,7 i 0,88). UV spektar aktivnih jedinjenja u metanolu pokazuje pikove na 217 i 221 nm.
Ključne reči: Antimikrobna aktivnost, antibiotici, Streptomyces