Vol.11, No 3, 2004 pp. 154 - 159
UC 614.253.4(497.11 Niš):616.89-008.441.44
Slobodanka Bašić, Branislava Lazarević, Sladjana Jović,
Branislav Petrović, Biljana Kocić, Jovica Jovanović
Faculty of Medicine, Niš
E-mail: izzz-nis@bankerinter.net
Summary. Suicide is one of the most significant problems of mental
health in the modern world. The strategy of World Health Organization (WHO)
for the 21st century requires considerable effort for the purpose of decreasing
suicide incidence. The aim of the survey is to assess the knowledge and
attitudes of the students enrolled in the 6th year of studies of University
of Niš, Faculty of Medicine related to suicide issues. A survey has been
made of all 150 students of the last year of studies (62 males, 88 females).
Students of both sexes, without any significant differences, statistically
analyzed declare that suicide is not about death, but about the end of
suffering (67.74% males, 69.32% females). They say that suicide is one
of leading causes of death among the young in developed countries (62.29%m.,
56.82%f.). They also assert that attempted suicide is a form of Russian
roulette (70.49%m., 71.59%f.). It is also said that people who talk about
suicidal intentions should be considered seriously as a risk group (77.42%m.,
78.41%f.). There is a correlation between suicide and addictive substances
(87.10%m., 93.18%f.), as well as depression episodes (90.32%m., 93.18%f.).
Loss of loving persons has a direct connection with suicidal behaviour
(87.10%m., 69.32%f.). There are some opportunities for those people to
be helped by close friends (86.88%m., 93.18%f.) and SOS services (86.88%m.,
90.90%f.). In a statistically more significant manner, correct answers
are more frequently registered in female students who state that attempted
suicide is more common in females (Chi Square = 4.28, p < 0.05). It
can be concluded that medical students in Niš display a substantial knowledge
of suicide-related themes, which could make them successful participants
in educational programmes for provision of better living skills aimed at
more successful response to stressful living situations.
Key words: Suicide, risk factors, attitudes, medical students
Kratak sadržaj: Samoubistvo je jedan od najznačajnijih problema
mentalnog zdravlja savremenog sveta. Strategija Svetske Zdravstvene organizacije
za 21. vek zahteva značajne napore u cilju opadanja incidence suicida.
Cilj istraživanja je da oceni znanje i stavove studenata VI godine Medicinskog
fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu o problematici suicida. Istraživanje je obavljeno
na svih 150 studenata završne godine studija (62 muškog i 88 ženskog pola).
Studenti oba pola se, bez statistički značajnih razlika u odgovorima slažu
sa tvrdnjom, da se u suicidu ne radi o smrti, već o kraju patnji (67,74%m.,
69,32% ž.). Oni znaju, da je suicid jedan od vodećih uzroka smrti među
mladima u razvijenim zemljama (62,29% m., 56,82 ž.). Takođe, oni izjavljuju
da je pokušaj samoubistva vrsta Ruskog ruleta (70,49%m., 71,59%ž.). Ljude,
koji govore o samoubilačkim intencijama, treba shvatiti ozbiljno kao rizičnu
grupu (77,42%m., 78,41%ž.). Postoje korelacije između suicida i adiktivnih
supstanci (87,10%m., 93,18%ž.), kao i sa depresivnim epizodama (90,32%m.,
93,18%ž.). Gubitak dragih osoba je direktno povezan sa suicidalnim ponašanjem
(87,1%m., 93,18%ž.). Postoje mogućnosti za pomoć od strane bliskih prijatelja
(86,88% m., 93,18%ž.) i SOS-službi(86,88% m., 90,90%ž.). U statistiški
značajnijem stepenu registruje se razlika u odgovoru sudenata i studentkinja
prema poznavanju učestalosti pokušaja suicida prema polu (Hi kvadrat =
4,28, p < 0,05). Zaključuje se, da studenti završne godine Medicinskog
fakulteta u Nišu raspolažu osnovnim znanjem o činjenicama, koje se tiču
suicida, što će im omogućiti da se uspešno mogu uključiti u edukativne
programe za promociju zdravih životnih veština, kako bi se uspešno odgovorilo
na stresne životne situacije.
Ključne reči: Suicid, faktori rizika, stavovi, studenti medicine