Vol.11, No 3, 2004 pp. 136 - 138
UC 616.314-089.87

Goran Jovanović1, Nikola Burić1, Ljiljana Kesić2
1Dental Clinic, Medical Faculty, Department of Oral Surgery, Niš, Serbia
2Dental Clinic, Medical Faculty, Department of Oral Medicine and Parodontology, Niš, Serbia

Summary. Postoperative trismus frequently associates the oral surgical interventions performed in the ramus and angle of the mandible. There is no ideal therapy for postoperative trismus. Since the low power laser induces distinguishing primary and secondary biostimulative effects, the aim of the investigation was to determine its effect on the reduction of postoperative trismus.
The investigation was performed in 48 patients who had undergone surgical removal of the impacted lower third molar. In 24 examinees, apart from the medical and physical therapy, laser irradiation of surgical wounds and extraoral biostimulative points was applied. In the remaining 24 patients, only the standard postoperative medicinal and physical therapy was applied. Measurement of the mouth opening diameter was taken immediately prior to surgery and on the third postoperative day.
Results show that laser therapy was most favorable in the elimination of postoperative trismus.
In conclusion it can be emphasized that LPL represents a completely safe additional means of treatment in the postoperative course due to its efficiency in the control of postoperative trismus.
Key words: Postoperative trismus, therapy, low power laser

Kratak sadržaj: Postoperativni trizmus je čest pratilac oralnohirurških zahvata sprovedenih u ramusu i angulusu mandibule. Idealna terapija za postoperativni trizmus ne postoji. Kako laser male snage poseduje izrazite primarne i sekundarne biostimulativne efekte u istraživanju je postavljen cijl da se ustanovi njegovo dejstvo za suzbijanje postoperativnog trizmusa.
Ispirivanje je obavljeno na 48 ispitanika kod kojih je izvršena hirurška ekstrakcija impaktiranog donjeg umnjaka. Kod 24 ispitanika je, osim medikamentne i fizikalne postoperativne terapije, vršeno lasersko zračene hirurških rana i ekstraoralnih biostimulativnih tačaka. U ostalih 24 ispitanika primenjena je samo standardna postoperativna medikamentna i fizikalna terapija. Merenje promera otvaranja usta je izvršeno neposredno pred oralnohirurški zahvat i trećeg dana nakon operacije.
Rezultati pokazuju da se laseroterapija vrlo povoljno odrazila na eliminaciju postoperativnog trizmusa. U zaključku se može istaći da laser male snage predstavlja potpuno bezopasno dopunsko sredstvo za primenu u postoperacionom toku jer može uspešno da deluje na suzbijanje postoperativnog trizmusa.
Ključne reči: Postoperativni trizmus, terapija, laser male snage