Vol.11, No 3, 2004 pp. 123 - 126
UC 616.155.392-053.2

Gordana Kostić, Zlatko Đurić, Gordana Bunjevački,
Ljiljana Šaranac, Lana Mačukanović-Golubović, Borislav Kamenov
Clinic of Pediatrics, Clinical Centre, Faculty of Medicine Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
E-mail: gogak@medfak ni.ac.yu

Summary. In childhood acute lymphobastic leukemia [ALL] skeletal changes are frequently found at the time of diagnosis and treatment, including: metafyseal lines, periostal reaction, lysis, sclerosis, osteoporosis and occasionally spontaneous fracture.
Different factors, including the disease itself, may be responsible for a defective bone homeostasis in these patients. Solubil products of malignant cells like the osteoclast activated factor (OAF), lymphotoxin, IL-1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and other cytokines may cause bone demineralization. Citotoxic drugs, like methotrexate corticosteroids and radiotherapy, have been incriminated as elements of the treatment that may cause bone changes.
Prospective analysis of the bone and mineral status in 108 children with ALL was performed. Markers of bone turnover (Ca, P, Mg homeostasis in urine and serum, osteocalcin and PTH) were measured before the initiation of the therapy, on the 28th day of therapy and six months after it. The bone mass was determined on the x-ray and densitometry was measured.
At the time of diagnosis musculoskeletal pain was present in 37.5% of patients. It was common in children with better prognosis (CD 10 immunophenotype, low leucocytes count, L1-morphology).
We found hypocalcemia, hypomagnesaemia and calciuria. PTH and osteocalcin decreased at the time of diagnosis 80% children with ALL had decrease bone mineral density.
Key words: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, childhood, bone changes

Kratak sadržaj: Deca koja boluju od akutne limfoblastne leukemije imaju skeletne promene na početku bolesti i u toku tretmana. Uočavaju se metafizealne linije, periostalna reakcija, osteoliza, osteoporoza i spontane frakture. Različiti faktori, uključujući i samu bolest, mogu biti odgovorni za izmenjenu kostnu homeostazu kod tih pacijenata. Solubilni produkti malignih ćelija kao što su osteoklast aktivirajući faktor (OAF), limfotoksin, IL-1, TNF i drugi citokini mogu biti uzrok kostne demineralizacije. Citotoksični lekovi kao što je methotrexat, zatim kortikoterapija i radioterapija, smatraju se elementima koji dovode do promena kostnog metabolizma. Urađena je prospektivna analiza kostnog i mineralnog statusa 108 dece sa akutnom limfoblastnom leukemijom. Markeri kostnog "turnover"-a (Ca, P, Mg u urinu i serumu, osteokalcin i parathormon) mere se na početku bolesti, 28. dana posle indukcije i nakon završene terapije.
Muskuloskeletni bol uočava se kod 37,5% pacijenata. Ovaj simptom je u korelaciji sa parametrima bolje prognoze (CD 10 imunofenotip, manji broj leukocita na početku bolesti, L1 morfologija). Uočava se hipokalcemija, hipomagnezijemija, kalciurija i smanjenje PTH i osteokalcina u trenutku dijagnoze. 80% dece ima smanjenje kostne gustine.
Ključne reči: Akutna limfoblastna leukemija dece, kostne promene