Vol.11, No 2, 2004 pp. 90- 95
UC 613.86:338.246.025.88

Branislava Lazarević-Jovanović1, Slobodanka Bašić2, Milena Dimić3, Aleksandar Dimić4, Snežana Cekić5
1Clinic for Psychiatry, Clinical Center, Niš
2Institute for Public Health, Clinical Center, Niš
3Institute for Mental Health, Clinical Center, Niš
4Institute for Rheumatic and Cardiovascular Diseases Niška Banja
5Institute of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, Serbia and Montenegro

Summary. Mental health and its protection are given the central place and role in developmental aims, perspectives, and prosperity of a nation, which is a prerequisite of continuity and successful survival. Man as a specific psychological and social being, with characteristics acquired in a long natural evolutionary selection, must be able to control and direct the course of his behaviour towards ethical norms and needs of our time such as: tolerance, solidarity, constraint from violence, love, equality, and altruism. Recognizing the importance of mental health as the factor of social stability, as well as of the creation of the most humane society possible, we find it necessary to commit ourselves to the most adequate concept of protection and improvement of mental health in Serbia.
Key words: Mental health, mental health protection, reform, social stability, human society

Kratak sadržaj. Psihičko zdravlje i njegovo očuvanje imaju centralno mesto i ulogu u razvojnim ciljevima, perspektivama i prosperitetu jedne nacije, što je preduslov za trajanje i uspešan opstanak. Čovek kao specifično psihološko i socijalno biće, sa karakteristikama stečenim dugom prirodnom selekcijom tokom evolucije, mora uspešno da kontroliše i usmerava svoje ponašanje ka etičkim normama i potrebama našeg vremena kakve su tolerancija, solidarnost, uzdržavanje od nasilja, ljubav, jednakost i altruizam. Svesni činjenice da je psihičko zdravlje factor socijalne stabilnosti i izgradnje što humanijeg društvenog sistema, smatramo da je neophodno usvojiti adekvatan koncept zaštite i unapredjenja psihičkog zdravlja u Srbiji.
Ključne reči: Psihičko zdravlje, zaštita psihičkog zdravlja, reforma, društvena stabilnost, ljudsko društvo