Vol.11, No 2, 2004 pp. 63 - 68
UC 612.43:612.67

Svetlana Antić1, Ivan Jovanović1, Natalija Stefanović1, Snežana Pavlović1, Gorana Rančić2, Slađana Ugrenović1
1Department of Anatomy of Medical Faculty, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
2Department of Histology and Embryology of Medical Faculty, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro

Summary. Pineal acervuli are calcificated structures, present in gland's parenchyma as well as in its leptomeningeal capsula.. The aim of our research was to determine the morphological and histochemical characteristics of pineal acervuli during the aging process. During our research, 30 corpses pineal glands were analyzed with light microscope. Their age ranged from 20 to 82, and they were classified into three age groups. Samples were processed by standard histological method, and thereafter stained with HE stain, PAS and AB PAS stain, modified aldehyde fuchsine stain, resorcin fuchsin stain, Gordon Sweet method and Mallory's trichrome connetctive tissue stain. Acervuli stained blue on HEstained sections. They were PAS and AB PAS positive. On aldehyde fuchsin stained sections they were violet and on resorcin fuchsine stained sections they were red colored. Acervuli had blue periphery and red core on Mallory's trichrome connective tissue stained sections. With Gordon Sweet's method they had yellow colored core and black colored periphery. The first age group acervuli were small with regular round or oval shape. They were localized at gland's periphery. Their size increased during the aging, and their shape became more irregular. Finally, large mulberry like acervuli were formed in the third age group probably as result of the conglomeration process. Hence, pineal acervuli are the structures which are consisted from inorganic and organic substances. During the aging they become larger with more irregular shape, which finally lead to mulberry like composite pineal acervuli formation which dominate in the pineal parenchyma.
Key words: Pineal gland, acervuli, morphology, histochemistry

Kratak sadržaj: Acervulusi pinealne žlezde su kalcifikovane strukture, koje se uočavaju u njenom parenhimu i leptomeningealnom omotaču. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je da se sagledaju morfološke i histohemijske karakteristike acervulusa tokom starenja čoveka. Analiza tkiva pinealne žlezde 30 kadavera starosti od 20 do 82 godine koji su klasifikovani u tri starosne grupe izvršena je uz pomoć svetlosnog mikroskopa. Tkivo je obrađivano standardnim histološkim metodom i zatim je bojeno HE, PAS, AB PAS, rezorcin fuksin, modifikovanim aldehid fuksin, Gordon Sweet-ovim metodom i trihromnim bojenjem za vezivno tkivo - modifikacija po Mallory-u. Na preparatima bojenim HE acervulusi su se bojili plavo. Oni su PAS i AB PAS pozitivne strukture. Aldehid fuksinom se boje ljubičasto, a rezorcin fuksinom crvenkasto. Primenom Gordon Sweet-ove metode središte im se boji žuto, a periferija crno. Na preparatima bojenim trihromnim bojenjem modifikacija po Mallory-u periferija im se boji plavo a centar crveno. Acervulusi prve starosne grupe su sitni pravilnog okruglog ili ovalnog oblika, lokalizovani na periferiji žlezde. Tokom starenja, dolazi do porasta veličine acervulusa pri čemu njihov oblik postaje nepravilniji što na kraju u trećoj starosnoj grupi rezultira formiranjem krupnih kupinastih acervulusa, koji nastaju najverovatnije kao rezultat procesa konglomeracije. Prema tome, acervulusi su strukture koje se sastoje iz organskih i neorganskih materija. Tokom starenja oni postaju veći a njihov oblik nepravilniji što, na kraju dovodi do stvaranja složenih kupinastih struktura koje dominiraju parenhimom žlezde.
Ključne reči: Pinealna žlezda, acervulusi, morfologija, histohemija