Vol. 11, No 1, 2004 pp. 45 - 48
UC 612.176:616.127-005.8 
Marina Hadži Pešić
Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Niš, Serbia
E-mail: zorannp@bankerinter.net

Summary. Background/Aim: The rate of coronary heart disease (CHD) is decreasing in developed countries of the world owing to a modification of risk factors. However, in countries in transition including Serbia and Montenegro the situation is quite the opposite. The aim of this study was to explore the role of acute and chronic stress in development of CHD. Methods: Two groups of examinees were studied: a control group of 170 healthy persons and experimental group of 170 patients with CHD. The group of patients with CHD consisted of 75 patients after acute myocardial infarction and 75 patients after aorto coronary by pass surgery. A semi-standardised interview was used to assess the existence of acute of chronic stress in the studied examinees. Acute stressors were classified in the following categories: (a) death of a close person, (b) threat of loss of a close person, (c) forced change of living place, (d) divorce, (e) loss of job and (f) others. Chronic stress was evaluated by establishing exposition to conflict situations at home or at job. There were three possibilities to answer: never, sometimes, or every day exposure to stressful situations. Results: Considerable difference were not found with regard to to exposition to acute stressors in control and experimental group of examinees. However, chronic exposure to stressful situations at job was more frequent in patents with CHD. There was not a difference between patients after acute myocardial infarction and after aorto coronary by pass surgery. Conclusion: Our data showed that chronic stress at job, not at home, is an important psychological risk factor in development of CHD.
Key words: Acute stress, chronic stress, acute myocardial infarction, aorto coronary by pass, risk factor

Kratak sadržaj: Cilj ove studije je bio da ispita ulogu akutnog i hroničnog stresa u nastanku koronarne bolesti srca.
Studijom su obuhvaćene dve grupe ispitanika: kontrolna grupa od 170 zdravih osoba i eksperimentalna grupa od 170 bolesnika sa koronarnom bolešću srca. Bolesnici sa koronarnom bolešću srca su podeljeni u dve podgrupe: 75 bolesnika posle akutnog infarkta miokarda i 75 bolesnika posle hiruškog aortokoronarnog premošćenja. Korišćeni je polustandardizovani intervju za utvrđivanje postojanja akutnih ili hroničnih stresnih situacija.Rezultati studije nisu pokazali da je izloženost akutnim stresnim situacijama bila značajnija u grupi bolesnika sa koronarnom bolešću srca u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike. U pogledu izloženosti hroničnim stresnim situacijama utvrđeno je da su stresne situacije na poslu, a ne u kući bile značjno češće u bolesnika sa koronarnom bolešću srca. Razlike nisu postojale između bolesnika posle akutnog infarkta miokarda i hiruške revaskularizacije srčanog mišića.Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na značajnu ulogu hroničnog stresa na poslu u razvoju koronarne bolesti srca.
Ključne reči: Akutni stres, hronični stres, akutni infarkt miokarda, aorto koronarni baj pas, faktori rizika