Vol. 11, No 1, 2004 pp. 26 - 30
UC 611.96-053.31:616-071 
Nenad Zdravković, Siniša Stojanović
Medical Center, Pirot, Serbia

Summary. Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a major health problem leading in untreated babies to permanent disability. Costs for treatment, surgery and rehabilitation of these cases are much higher than for relatively simple prevention. A relatively simple ultrasound screening method, according to Graf, has permitted an early diagnosis and treatment of DDH. The aim of this work was to analyze the early diagnosis and prevention of DDH in the district of Pirot. The following periods were analyzed:1) From 1985 to 1988, when diagnosis of DDH was made on the basis of clinical examination and radiology of the hips in the sixth month of life; 2) From 1989 to 1999, when diagnosis of DDH was made by clinical examination and ultrasound of the hips; from 1989 to 1992 in the fourth/fifth month, and from 1993 to 1999 in the third month of life. Hip ultrasound screening from 1989 to 1992 revealed DDH in 0.88% of boys and 2.49% of girls. Screening in the third month of life, from 1993 to 1998 has revealed DDH in 0.21% of boys and 1.35% of girls, significantly less than in the previous period. The treatment of DDH is recommended in the first six weeks of life, at least in the third month of life. Organized teamwork for an early detection and treatment of DDH has given impressive results. Coordinated work of obstetricians, pediatricians-neonatologists, radiologists and children's surgeons-orthopedists has led to the early diagnosis and treatment of DDH, leading to the exclusion of surgery as a method of treatment.
Key words: Developmental hip dysplasia, early diagnosis, epidemiology, ultrasound, treatment

Kratak sadržaj: Razvojni poremećaj kuka (RPK) predstavlja značajan medicinski problem, dovodeći kod nelečene dece do trajne invalidnosti. Troškovi lečenja, hirurškog tretmana i rehabilitacije ove dece su mnogo veći od relativno jednostavne prevencije. Ultrazvučni metod skrininga, prema Grafu, omogućuje ranu dijagnozu i lečenje RPK. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se analizira rana dijagnoza i prevencija RPK u okrugu Pirot. Analizirani su sledeći vremenski periodi: 1) od 1985. do 1988. godine, kada je dijagnoza RPK postavljana na osnovu kliničkog pregleda i radiološkog pregleda kukova u šestom mesecu života deteta; 2) od 1989. do 1999. godine, kada je dijagnoza RPK postavljana na osnovu kliničkog pregleda i ultrazvučnog nalaza na kukovima, i to od 1989. do 1992. u četvrtom/petom mesecu, a od 1993. do 1999. u trećem mesecu života. Ultrazvučni skrining kukova od 1989. do 1992. otkrio je RPK kod 0,88% dečaka i 2,49% devojčica. Skrining u trećem mesecu života, od 1993. do 1998, otkrio je RPK kod 0,21% dečaka i 1,35% devojčica, značajno manje nego u prethodnom periodu. Lečenje RPK se preporučuje u prvih šest nedelja ili bar u trećem mesecu života. Organizovani timski rad za rano otkrivanje i lečenje RPK dao je impresivne rezultate. Koordinacija rada akušera, pedijatra-neonatologa, radiologa i dečjeg hirurga-ortopeda omogućla je da se hirurgija ne primenjuje kao metod lečenja RPK.
Ključne reči: Razvojni poremećaj kuka, rana dijagnoza, epidemiologija, ultrazvuk, terapija