Vol. 11, No 1, 2004 pp. 20 - 25
UC 616.72-002.77+616.895.4]:612.751 
Branislava Lazarević-Jovanović1, Milena Dimić2, Aleksandar Dimić3,
Zorica Marković3, Dušica Pavlović4, Snežana Cekić5
1Psychiatric Clinic, Clinical Center, Niš, 2Institute for Mental Health, Clinical Center, Niš
3Institute for Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular and Rheumatic Diseases, Niška Banja
4Institute of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Niš, 5Institute of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Niš, Serbia

Summary. Aim of the study was to evaluate the occurrence of depression syndrome (DS) and osteopenia in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with respect to the physical, mental and iatrogenic factors. The impact of duration, severity and type of treatment of RA on these conditions were also examined.
Methods: A total of 40 RA adult female patients were studied using ARA criteria. For the estimation of depression, psychiatric interviews, psycho-tests, and rating on depression scale (Hamilton) were used. A specific attention was paid to the pre-morbid profile of the patients as related to previous emotional conflicts, and distressing life events. Bone mineral density (BMD) of the lumbar vertebras (L2-L4) was measured using Lunar DEXA densitometer.
Results: Twenty eight patients were found to have some degree of DS. The occurrence and intensity of DS were positively correlated with duration, and severity of RA, and negatively correlated with patients' occupational activities. DS was more frequent in patients treated with disease modifying drugs (DMD) and glucocorticosteroids (GCS). The mean values for BMD were somewhat lower in patients in whom DS was present, but the difference was not statistically significant. The values were also lower in patients who have been treated with DMD and GCS.
Conclusion: DS was more frequent in patients suffering from severe RA and was positively correlated with the duration of the disease and treatment with DMD and GCS. Osteopenia seems to be more pronounced in patients with DS and in those treated with DMD and GCS. Decreased life dynamism and reduced dietary intake of calcium, exercise and exposure to sunlight, all associated with DS could be, at least partially, responsible for the development of osteopenia. These results indicate to the necessity of careful psychiatric evaluation of RA patients in order to adapt anti-rheumatic therapy by decreasing DMD and GCS and eventually using antidepressants.
Key words: Rheumatoid arthritis, depression syndrome, bone mineral density, osteopenia, antidepressants

Kratak sadržaj: Predmet našeg rada je bila uzajamna povezanost reumatoidnog artritisa (RA) i depresivnog sindroma (DS) kod naših bolesnica, što je još jedan dokaz o neraskidivoj povezanosti some i psihe i bavljenje uticajem telesnih, psihičkih i medikamentnih faktora u lečenju RA u nastanku DS i osteopenije. Cilj rada je bio da ukažemo na korelaciju DS i osteopenije sa RA u zavisnosti od trajanja, stadijuma i aktivnosti bolesti, funkcionalnog stanja, kao i terapije RA. Metod rada. Ispitali smo 40 odraslih bolesnica sa RA (ARA kriterijumi). Za procenu depresivnosti koristili smo psihijatrijski intervju, psihotest i Rating scale za depresiju po Hamiltonu. Obratili smo posebnu pažnju na procenu premorbidne ličnosti pacijenta, postojanje ranog emocionalnog konflikta i uticaj životnih dogadjaja. BMD (Bone mineral density) – mineralna gustina kosti je merena na lumbalnoj kičmi (L2-L4) na DEXA denzitometru marke Lunar. Rezultati rada. Od ukupnog broja bolesnica (40), kod 28 je dokazano prisustvo DS. Pojava DS korelira sa dužinom trajanja RA, stadijumima RA, aktivnošću RA i funkcionalnim klasama. Depresivni sindrom se najčešće javljao u grupi bolesnica gde su u lečenju RA bili zastupljeni i kortikosteroidi. Vrednosti BMD su bile niže u grupi bolesnica gde je RA bio udružen sa DS, ali ova razlika nije bila statistički signifikantna. Zaključak. Za nastanak osteopenije odgovorni su glikokortikoidi u terapiji RA, kao i sniženje dijatelnog unosa kalcijuma, obima fizičke aktivnosti i umanjenje solarne ekspozicije, što je posledica DS i posledičnog pada životnih dinamizama. U terapiji RA neophodan je timski rad reumatologa i psihijatra. Pored antireumatske terapije, značajno mesto bi trebalo dati i antidepresivnim lekovima, pritom vodeći računa o terapiji osteopenije.
Ključne reči: Reumatski artritis, depresivni sindrom, mineralna gustina kosti, osteopenija, antidepresivi