Vol. 11, No 1, 2004 pp. 16 - 19
UC 616.379-008.64:616.127]:616-073
Marina Ž. Deljanin Ilić, Stevan N. Ilić, Predrag Milosavljević
Institute for Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular
Patients, Niška Banja, University of Niš
E-mail: marinadi@bankerinter.net
Summary. The aim of the study was to analyze the value of the Doppler
tissue imaging (DTI) method in the early detection of myocardial dysfunction
in diabetic patients.
Thirty-two patients with type 2 diabetes and twenty-five non-diabetic
control subjects without clinical signs of coronary artery disease and
with normal global left ventricular function by standard 2D echocardiography,
were investigated with pulsed wave DTI at rest and after exercise stress
echocardiography (ESE). Myocardial function was calculated as mean value
from five basal left ventricular segments for the peak velocity at systole
(Vs), early diastole (Ve), atrial contraction (Va) and ratio Ve/Va.
Compared to controls diabetic patients had a compromised Ve at rest
(P<0.01). Their resting Va was higher (P<0.02), ratio Ve/Va lower
(P<0.001) and Vs less (NS) than in the control group. After ESE in patients
with diabetes Ve increased by 17.6%, Va by 11.8%, ratio Ve/Va by 6.6% and
Vs by 14.6% compared to baseline values. In the control group changes in
myocardial function induced by ESE were more pronounced: Ve increased by
34.3%, Va by 15.8%, ratio Ve/Va by 15.4% and Vs by 37.8%. Impaired response
of myocardial function during ESE in diabetic patients resulted to more
significant difference in Ve (P<0.001) and significant difference in
Vs (P<0.001) between diabetic patients and controls after ESE.
In conclusion, patients with type 2 diabetes have early signs of predominant
diastolic and also systolic myocardial dysfunction which are more expressed
during ESE. Those signs can be identified by quantitative DTI before appearance
of clinical signs of cardiovascular disease.
Key words: Diabetes mellitus, myocardial function, Doppler tissue
imaging, stress echocardiography
Kratak sadržaj: Cilj studije bio je analiza značaja metode tkivnog
Dopplera (DTI) u ranoj detekciji miokardne disfunkcije kod bolesnika s
dijabetesom tipa 2.
Tridesetdva bolesnika s dijabetesom tip 2 i dvadesetpet osoba bez dijabetesa,
bez kliničkih znakova za koronarnu bolest i sa normalnom globalnom funkcijom
leve komore na standardnom 2D ehokardiogramu, ispitivano je primenom pulsnog
tkivnog Dopplera (PW DTI) pre i posle stres ehokardiografskog testa fizičkim
opterećenjem (ESE). Miokardna funkcija izračunata je kao srednja vrednost
maksimalne miokardne brzine iz pet bazalnih segmenata leve komore u sistoli
(Vs), ranoj dijastoli (Ve), tokom atrijalne kontrakcije (Va) i odnosa Ve/Va.
U poredjenju sa kontrolnom grupom bolesnici s dijabetesom, pre ESE,
imali su manju vrednost Ve (P<0,01), veću vrednost Va (P<0,02), manji
odnos Ve/Va (P<0,001) i manju vrednost Vs (NS). Posle ESE, u bolesnika
s dijabetesom registrovano je povećanje Ve za 17,6%, Va za 11,8%, odnosa
Ve/Va za 6,6% i Vs za 14,6% u odnosu na vrednosti pre ESE. U kontrolnoj
grupi, promene u miokardnoj funkciji tokom ESE bile su izraženije: Ve je
povećano za 34,3%, Va za 15,8%, odnos Ve/Va za 15,4% i Vs za 37,8%. Smanjen
odgovor miokardne funkcije tokom ESE kod bolesnika s dijabetesom, uslovio
je povećanje značajnosti razlike u vrednosti Ve (P<0,001) i značajnu
razliku u vrednosti Vs (P<0,001) izmedju bolesnika s dijabetesom i ispitanika
kontrolne grupe posle ESE.
Naša studija je pokazala da bolesnici s dijabetesom tip 2 imaju rane
znake dominantno dijastolne, a takodje i sistolne disfunkcije miokarda,
što se potencira tokom ESE. Ovi znaci mogu se detektovati kvantifikacijom
miokardnih brzina primenom DTI, pre pojave kliničkih znakova kardiovaskularnog
Ključne reči: Dijabetes, miokardna funkcija, tkivni Doppler,
stres ehokardiografija