Vol. 10, No 3, 2003 pp. 116 - 119
UC 612.822:612.67 
Snežana Pavlović, Natalija Stefanović, Rade Čukuranović, Svetlana Antić, Vesna Stojanović
Institute of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Niš, Serbia
E-mail: nmp01@ptt.yu

Summary. Neurons of indusium griseum, part of the allocortex, were investigated. The aim of the study was to establish the size of the neurons and their number across the age range. Specimens of the indusium griseum were taken from adult human brains. The size of the neurons was calculated from linear measurements. Stereological investigation was performed using M42 grid, and the numerical density was calculated  from the equation of Floderus. The numerical density of the neurons was determined on three spots of the indusium griseum. The largest was above the trunk whereas the smallest was above the splenium of the callosal body. The average diameter of the neurons significantly decreased from 34.21 microm in the first age group up to 27.85 microm in the fourth age group. Numerical density of the neurons also significantly decreased in all the three spots of indusium griseum  during aging. The reasons for here recorded findings might be degenerative changes and loss of cellular liquids that normally happen across during aging. Numerical density showed prominent neuronal loss which may have been a consequence of the aging processes which appear earlier in the allocortex.
Key words: Neurons, indusium griseum, aging

Kratak sadržaj: Istraživani su neuroni induzium grizeuma, koji je deo alokorteksa. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se odredi veličina neurona i njihov broj tokom starenja. Uzorci induzium grizeuma uzeti su sa mozgova obdukovanih odraslih osoba. Veličina neurona određivana je pomoću linearnih merenja. Stereološka istraživanja su izvedena korišćenjam M42 mrežice, a numerička gustina neurona određena je na tri karakteristična mesta induzium grizeuma. Najveća vrednost numeričke gustine bila je iznad tela, dok je najmanja iznad splenijuma kaloznog tela. Prosečan prečnik neurona značajno se smanjivao na svim mestima induzium grizeuma od 34,21 mikrometara u prvoj starosnoj grupi do 27,85 mikrometara u četvrtoj grupi. Numerička gustina neurona se takođe značajno smanjila na sva tri mesta induzium grizeuma tokom starenja. Razlozi ovih nalaza bi mogli biti u degenerativnim promenama i gubitku ćelijske tečnosti koji normalno nastaju tokom godina. Numerička gustina je pokazala gubitak neurona koji je možda nastao kao posledica procesa starenja koji u alokorteksu počinje ranije.
Ključne reči: Neuroni, induzium grizeum, starenje